Mount accidentally deleted... how do i retrieve it
Hi please can you help me wizard .. i spent over 100, 000 crowns on the new harrowing pack and received the blue perm harrowing wings perm and just accidentally deleted it today while clearing my inventory of all the one day wings. can anyone in wizard help me recover my wings from the trash bin? i have it on my record that i owned them so if anyone on the wizard moderators team can help i would be most appreciative .. as i spent all day yesterday trying to get them from the new pack.
Re: Mount accidentally deleted... how do i retrieve it
this is the email I sent them with the time stamp. It was successfully sent as it shows in my sent mail. I did not receive a reply or confirmation email with a ticket :(
hello wizard! I need help and was told to contact you here. I spent over 100, 000 crowns in gifted packs and ended up getting the harrowing blue wings mount perm and accidentally deleted it while i was clearing out all of the one day and seven day wings that i got from the packs in my inventory! I was devastated because i spend so much to get them and i am a fool for not playing closer attention to the items in my inventory. Can you please get my wings out of the trash and re instate them back to my inventory. It is on record that i opened the packs as well as the perm mount being equipped and me also deleting all of the one day mounts yesterday. So sorry for all the trouble and this is never going to happen again but i hope you all at the wizard team can help me please!
my account name is bschuppa and the character it happened on is named Tavia Redbreeze
here is the link i posted on the forums asking for help which also has my characters name on there
Re: Mount accidentally deleted... how do i retrieve it
It looks like your ticket didn't get submitted properly. Customer support is looking into the issue now and will respond with a resolution in the next 24-48 hours to the email address attached to your game account.
Re: Mount accidentally deleted... how do i retrieve it
thank you for your patience with my issue. The issue has been resolved and the customer support team handled it quickly! I am silly for even giving you all this trouble lol.