I recently purchased the Sultan's Castle and received the Magic Carpet mount and today I purchased the new Fairy Wings Mount - which are gorgeous and I love them. My issue is the constant movements of these mounts (and the Lion & Lioness as well.) The constant fluttering and jumping and waving of all these mounts makes me motion sick when I try to use them. I'm not saying that mounts should stand stock still but the frenetic motion is way too much. I have backpacks full of mounts that I love but can't use because of their relentless motion. Any chance of "slowing" their movements to a more reasonable speed?
I've spent a fortune on mounts and the only ones that I can use are my brooms.
That's my favorite part of the mounts. Although it dont seem to me that they move as much as your saying. Maybe you should go to the doctor you might have vertigo. Sea sickness or something along those lines. There is meds for it. I hope you feel better. :)
Thanks guys. I don't have vertigo - but definitely do have motion sickness after a few minutes of "flying" around with the carpet and wing mounts. I may submit a ticket to KI but I doubt that there is any resolution on an individual basis. See you in the spiral!
Hey I looked it up olives can help keep down the effects of motion sickness. Unless you have high blood pressure you should try it. also you can get over the counter stuff to help good luck with this. I hope you have a great day!! :D :D :D :D