I'd like to know this, too! It's not that the instructions were particularly unclear, but that I didn't understand that the portal would be one-way only. If I'd known, I would have like to reverse the destinations.
I'd like to know this, too! It's not that the instructions were particularly unclear, but that I didn't understand that the portal would be one-way only. If I'd known, I would have like to reverse the destinations. Crossing my fingers that this will be possible!
Pick up the teleporter's entrance and the exit automatically comes with it. Then when you place it again, remember that you have to place the exit part first. If you place the exit in the wrong spot again, just put the entrance somewhere next to you and pick it up again. The only thing i haven't figured out is how to change the direction you're facing when you appear at the destination spot. -elijah darkthorn, grandmaster artisan
i dont have a teleporter, (tying to craft one) though, what i am thinking, does the exit, when you are putting it down, does it have a name? if so, you can go in your attic, go to the house tab, and find the teleporter exit, and move it to your backpack.
etherchaos, you can change the direction you're facing when you exit a teleporter by rotating the exit spot when you set it.
When you're setting a teleporting destination location, you can rotate the exit spot by using the mouse wheel or by pressing the period and comma keys. The exit spot cursor has an arrow in it that points at the direction the you'll be facing when you exit the teleporter.