I have a couple of wizards that are at least 70, one that is 50 and just started a new life wizard about a week ago and my life wiz is having problems with multiple bugged quests.
She goes to a story-line directed quest, speaks to the NPC and does the quest, THEN when she goes to turn in the quest the original dialogue is there and it's a constant loop. Worth noting: most of these quests are in Krokotopia. This isn't one quest bugging out but multiple quests to the point where I am not doing tickets because there are just too many! I've changed servers, restarted the game, restarted my computer, left the area and returned to no avail. I've even tried doing other quests to make sure there wasn't a tie-in quest I missed and I still have this problem and this situation is beyond frustrating.
Is anyone else having this problem? I really don't want to re-install the game because from past experience doing that makes no difference. HELP!!!
I am in Grizzleheim and in the middle of a dungeon. I am doing fine so far. But the next person (Bear) I had to talk to wont allow me to talk to him. Lol
He has a yellow question mark on his head. He just doesn't let me interact. I can't get the X to click.
I don't want to start the dungeon over :(
An earlier quest in Grizzleheim, it isn't called a dungeon but it really is, I accidentally left and had to begin it again because the arrow kept reversing. I'd go to one door, it would point to the opposite door. The room was circular so it was a problem. This only happened in one room I think.
Happened in Kroko once too. I just quit and did the quest another day from the start. But yeah some bugs. Not sure what to do. I hate starting a dungeon over. I solo a lot some days and it's not easy to win them to begin with. I feel good when I do. Then they get buggy.
Sparkletude, that is one of the problems I am having with bugged quests too! Sometimes a complete log out and restart of the computer and the game client fixes them but I still have a few I just cannot complete.
I'm also seeing some quests where I'm instructed to go to Grizzleheim for a new spell quest and when I go to see the NPC I was instructed to talk to there is no quest at all and as we all know, those quests are uber important. I've yet to find any fix for those at all.
I too am having trouble with a quest that "loops" with no advancement and does not give credit for completion. I have completed the Crimson Fields defeat Udo Jin-e at least five times. With help and solo. To no avail. This quests is for my blade for Ice Wiz. I hope someone fixes it soon.