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Multiple Interrupt Cheat bug in various boss battles

Jun 17, 2019
I have noticed in many cheat boss battles over the spiral that sometimes the interrupt cheat will happen 2 or 3 times, frequently when the cheat is at the start of the battle.

  • Loremaster sometimes starts with multiple blades rather than just one
  • Luska Charmbeak in waterworks sometimes Inks multiple times and puts multiple feints at the start of battle
  • Cerberous in Tartarus will sometimes do his tower shield cheat 2 or 3 times make the battle take way longer than it should

I saw this bug reported six month ago here:

But the thread is locked and the bug still has not been fixed 6 months later despite it being a major bug happening in many different boss fights around the spiral. In some fights it is merely an annoyance like the loremaster fight but in some battles it can be a major problem making the battle much harder than it should be.