My new ice wiz has no frost beetle spell. This has happened 2 times now.
1st time... I created the ice wizard, did the tutorial and when she entered Unicorn Way. After I fought the 3 lost souls I checked my deck. She didn't have a single frost beetle. So I deleted her, thinking maybe this was a glitch
2nd time... Just a few minutes ago I created another ice wizard. After getting the quest from Merle to talk to Private Stillson I check my deck and guess what? No frost beetle.
I know it's just a little frost beetle but I want my ice wiz to have her novice spell.
-Natalie Moonblade Tabitha Rainspear And soon an ice wizard, hopefully with a frost beetle
It's not just you. It seems that a new wizard now is not getting their level 1 spells in the deck anymore and all you have is the various school selection spells from your wand. And, of course, you can't go to your school to get it until after you have completed the first quest in Unicorn Way and Ambrose tells you to go visit him and he sends you to visit each of the schools in Ravenwood.
I'm sure it is a new glitch created by the latest patch. Hopefully, they will get that fixed.
My new ice wiz has no frost beetle spell. This has happened 2 times now.
1st time... I created the ice wizard, did the tutorial and when she entered Unicorn Way. After I fought the 3 lost souls I checked my deck. She didn't have a single frost beetle. So I deleted her, thinking maybe this was a glitch
2nd time... Just a few minutes ago I created another ice wizard. After getting the quest from Merle to talk to Private Stillson I check my deck and guess what? No frost beetle.
I know it's just a little frost beetle but I want my ice wiz to have her novice spell.
-Natalie Moonblade Tabitha Rainspear And soon an ice wizard, hopefully with a frost beetle
It's not a glitch, you have to go to ravenwood to learn frost beetle.
I have made three wizards lately and each, no matter what school, have had to go learn their first spell. Really they should make going to get this spell part of the first quest so that you are sure to get it, or, at least give some warning. I am seeing a lot of people post in the forums about this now and it would be good if KI would at least give new wizards a tip that they need to go pick up their first spell at their school. Giving people this tip might decrease the need for these posts. Either that or fix it back to the way it was when you got your first spell at the beginning without any hassle.