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my pet talent was replaced with a new talent!

Jul 07, 2011
I managed to get a stormbird who achieved the spell proof and storm shield talents plus one common talent. Have been working to level up to epic and then I noticed in battle she wasn't casting storm shield at all. I figured she had her feathers ruffled(so to speak) and was just being contrary. I clicked my pets and saw her storm shield talent had been replaced with ice trap! Another pet who had storm shield had the same replacement. I logged in and out and his talent was back, but my girl bird still has the ice trap talent. I've contacted support, but I wanted to know if anyone had every run across a similar issue and what the out come was. Maybe everyone should double check their pets...

Jul 04, 2009
Hmm, are you sure that you didnt accidently change your pets?
If not, then just wait for support to send back. This seems like a major glitch. :-o

You are confusing your pets, young Wizard.

Here are the four Stormbirds you currently have in your possession.

Combat Talents: Health Gift and Storm-Giver
Derby Talents: Befuddle and Clear Path

Lord Haley
Combat Talent: Ice-Shot
Derby Talent: Big Hurry

King Dixie
Combat Talents: Health Gift and Storm Shield
Derby Talents: Bananas! and Big Hurry

Princess Molly
Combat Talents: Ice Trap and Ice-Giver and Spell-Proof
Derby Talents: Bananas! and Big Hurry and Bombardier

Princess Molly has always had these talents, she has not changed.
