on the scarlet screamer, collect lumina crystals it wont let me collect, when i finish the fight it doesn't say i didn't collect or did collect. what is wrong? i closed w101 and reopened it and it was still this way. can you help me?
on the scarlet screamer, collect lumina crystals it wont let me collect, when i finish the fight it doesn't say i didn't collect or did collect. what is wrong? i closed w101 and reopened it and it was still this way. can you help me?
Very odd things have been happening over the past few days to us also. We are getting spells that don't become available to cast even if you have the pips, many game split second freeze ups - where you are traveling along and all of a sudden take a momentary pause and throw your wizard into a monster when you recover if you aren't fast with getting off the mouse or arrow key, total freeze of game and alt crl delete needed - right at end of fighting Grendal boss last night - lucky for me when I signed back on I was still in the fort and it counted, on going - quest arrow stuck or just pointing anywhere it wants to but certainly not toward my next quest direction, arrow stays on main quests but then doesn't, then switches to any thing in Grizzlehiem after turning in a main or side quest.
on the scarlet screamer, collect lumina crystals it wont let me collect, when i finish the fight it doesn't say i didn't collect or did collect. what is wrong? i closed w101 and reopened it and it was still this way. can you help me?
Welcome to the world of defeat-and-collect (or "did-not-collect") quests. This is not a glitch, and will only get worse as you level up... so get used to it now.
If it's simply not showing you whether you collected anything or not, you should take a look at your quest log to see if you've gotten any of the required item.