Myth minotaur beastmoon form "Multiply" cannot target others
Hi, Sparck (95% sure you do the forum moderation)
There's an issue with the myth minotaur's "multiply" spell that's existed over a couple of beastmoons now that really hurts the form's power. It only targets self, despite the card description saying otherwise. It makes it very difficult to donate shields to friendly players. Can this please be fixed?
Re: Myth minotaur beastmoon form "Multiply" cannot target others
serene sparks on Aug 8, 2020 wrote:
Hi, Sparck (95% sure you do the forum moderation)
There's an issue with the myth minotaur's "multiply" spell that's existed over a couple of beastmoons now that really hurts the form's power. It only targets self, despite the card description saying otherwise. It makes it very difficult to donate shields to friendly players. Can this please be fixed?
Hi! I do indeed! Thanks for posting about this concern. I'm checking with our team now, please standby.