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Myth's Advantage.

Dec 31, 2010
I have just noticed this. Myth's Level 48 quest for orthrus( sry if i spelt that wrong) gives you an orthrus pet while all the other schools give you the level 42 pet. I find this unfair as myth can have their pet to cast orthrus while the other school's pets cast level 42 spells only. KI please fix this by making the other pets use lvl 48 moves.

Dylan Darkthorn, Magus Necromancer

Feb 16, 2009
Supersekh wrote:
I have just noticed this. Myth's Level 48 quest for orthrus( sry if i spelt that wrong) gives you an orthrus pet while all the other schools give you the level 42 pet. I find this unfair as myth can have their pet to cast orthrus while the other school's pets cast level 42 spells only. KI please fix this by making the other pets use lvl 48 moves.

Dylan Darkthorn, Magus Necromancer

You're incorrect. Life's Grandmaster pet is Satyr, which is not a level 42 spell. Life's not underpowered, is it?

Myth's pet is Orthrus because a pet Earthquake wouldn't make much sense.

And so what if they can cast Orthrus? Do you know how underpowered Myth is compared to the other schools? Giving them a powerful pet levels it out a bit.

May 20, 2010
It's probably a way of helping Myth, which is generally believed to be underpowered at that level, compared to other schools.

Apr 30, 2010