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Naptha Scarab Traps Taste Funny

Jun 03, 2009

I've been experimenting with the new Fire school spell Naptha Scarab and noticed an odd behavior in the 15% Fire Traps it leaves behind. These traps are not triggered by normal hits with Fire school spells but are triggered by DOT (Damage Over Time) attacks.

If you hit a Naptha Scarab trap with a Fire Cat it doesn't trigger, isn't consumed, and doesn't give you the advertised 15% damage bonus. If you hit one of these traps with a Fire Elf, the front end doesn't trigger the trap either. However, the subsequent Fire Elf DOT does trigger the trap and collects the 15% damage bonus.

Intriguing. Unusual. Potentially interesting. Was this intended and will other Fuel type spells exhibit this behavior?
