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New Beastmoon Monster Mayhem event issues here

Apr 18, 2013
Here is my link www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/regular-beastmoon-hunt-event-issues-that-really-needs-to-be-fixed-8ad6a42774401afe01745caba1264f2d

Please read the posts made by me there as I talk about Mayhem.

The issues are this:
1- Bug Reporter crash just as I was entering Mayhem. 15-minute penalty and team gets a Missing player.
2- ghost speed wisps. They go through walls.
3- It just happened to me once again that I am waiting in the queue to go in Mayhem and all of a sudden I get a penalty (15 minutes) due to inactivity. I am staring at the screen the whole time just waiting for the click start message to appear and it never appeared. I was not inactive. All these issues have been going on for months. I am losing hope issues will ever be cared to be fixed.

4- Another issue are the event points and rewards for winning waves are so beyond lackluster. Are we supposed to get absolutely nothing except for 1 deckathalon rune for defeating wave 3? I'm not the only one who won just 1 rune. Yay? Please fix. And stop with the penalties already.

May 09, 2020
It is impossible to win Mayhem if a player goes missing, and lots of people keep going missing. Sometimes there are only five players when we start the game.

Today we got to round three and before the spiral team cast for round two, the boss killed us all with a single one-shot aoe. This should not be possible. Fix it, please.

Also, I have only won a few times, and it was super anticlimactic. No rewards that I could see.

And for the many, many times I have played this month - no Moon Gold Dust. Just ever. Please increase the drop rate. if indeed you are dropping moon gold dust. Or is the crafting anvil just a joke?

Apr 18, 2013

I made a new post with updated Beastmoon Bugs that really need to be fixed already.
3 issues:

1- Got another Bug Reporter. That's another 15 minute penalty, no fault of mine and another team Missing a player (me) at the start.

2- Swift wisps are sometimes ghost pips.

3- And I won Wave 3 and got nothing for it. No credit towards the badge, not even a Rune. Nada. Fix this please because people are going to not want to flee the Spiral fight if this is going to happen.

Editing to concur with the previous poster about wave 3 Spiral boss can one-shot the entire team. We picked new forms, ran back to Spiral and had it happen again. There's even been times a 2v2 regular outside fight can one-shot a team.

Also, here is a different link for one of the above issues: www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/issues-with-beating-the-final-beastmoon-mayhem-boss-8ad6a4277471ed630174a99e9e0d681e?page=1#like_8ad6a4277471ed630174a99e9e25681f

Dec 31, 2009
There are 3 beastmoon idols to craft, which takes 30 moondust, even if you have 7 wizards you can only get 28, why was moondust removed as a drop?

Last go around I had enough to craft all 3 idols.

I am pretty ticked off, running all 6 wizards up to the moondust reward is a lot of effort and now i can not even craft all the idols.

Dec 09, 2008
Thanks Stemogstel for the latest feedback on the event!

May 31, 2009
Sparck. on Aug 20, 2020 wrote:
Glad it was a fun group and you enjoyed the event!

Sorry about the no rewards issue. We are aware and working on the concern. It won't be resolved this event, so for the next match you play make sure you are in the boss battle directly when it is defeated.If the battle ends and you are not in the sigil you may not get credit.
"make sure you are in the boss battle directly when it is defeated"?

That is a HORRIBLE suggestion! It's this mentality that can make the final battle so toxic because EVERYONE wants to be in the final battle! Who doesn't want to get the reward?!

I understand that the new world is coming out and no doubt it's occupying a lot of the Developer's time but given that failure is an inevitable outcome for 2 out of the 6 participants is especially frustrating since this was a known issue from when the Mayhem was last open.



May 31, 2009
Sparck. on Aug 20, 2020 wrote:
Glad it was a fun group and you enjoyed the event!

Sorry about the no rewards issue. We are aware and working on the concern. It won't be resolved this event, so for the next match you play make sure you are in the boss battle directly when it is defeated.If the battle ends and you are not in the sigil you may not get credit.
Finally won for the first time during this event and it seems that final fight issues have not been resolved.

1. Only those in the final spiral fight get credit for a Monster Mayhem Event win. Forget if you have more captures on your team, or defeated the most enemies, or won the cards that were the difference between winning and losing - if you weren't in the spiral when the fight was won, no credit.

2. No drops - no lunari, no reagents, no runes, not even gold - nothing.

I don't get it. It's been just over 2 months since these issue were first reported and as far as I can tell nothing has changed at all.

Very frustrating.


Mar 13, 2010
Sparck. on Aug 20, 2020 wrote:
Glad it was a fun group and you enjoyed the event!

Sorry about the no rewards issue. We are aware and working on the concern. It won't be resolved this event, so for the next match you play make sure you are in the boss battle directly when it is defeated.If the battle ends and you are not in the sigil you may not get credit.
This is a serious issue and the glib response is disheartening.

This should not be in Live realm if only 4 of 6 team members are actually team members.

May 09, 2020
Replying to Casp, here. I won last night and I was in spiral at the time. As far as I could tell, there were absolutely no rewards at all. It was very disheartening. I love playing the game, but winning is not actually all that fun. People don't get terribly excited. My daughter mostly refuses to play the Mayhem with me for that reason. Kind of sad.

Mar 18, 2009
Caspeen on Oct 22, 2020 wrote:
Finally won for the first time during this event and it seems that final fight issues have not been resolved.

1. Only those in the final spiral fight get credit for a Monster Mayhem Event win. Forget if you have more captures on your team, or defeated the most enemies, or won the cards that were the difference between winning and losing - if you weren't in the spiral when the fight was won, no credit.

2. No drops - no lunari, no reagents, no runes, not even gold - nothing.

I don't get it. It's been just over 2 months since these issue were first reported and as far as I can tell nothing has changed at all.

Very frustrating.

I agree, the issue of rewards/badges not being awarded to certain team members in the game this long is becoming a problem.

Additionally, the lack of or minimum rewards for winning Stage 3 of Monster Mayhem has to change. There is an overwhelming amount of feedback regarding the difficulty of this event. Beating the Stage 3 boss should be rewarding the most amount of Lunari possible out of ANY of the other rotating events. There needs to be an incentive to win Stage 3 (and of course an incentive that can be shared by all the team members....not just the four in the Spiral duel circle).

Aug 22, 2010
I have also experienced the issue with no rewards dropping. After a bunch of dud runs, I finished stage three, and got nothing. This is incredibly frustrating not only due to my participation, but also due to the fact that this affects my future runs. I need Lunari badly. Very little of it is given out, and I still am trying to grind enough to get my beastmoon seed recipes. So when I finally, finally win one of these games and get nothing?!

Man, I just want to upgrade a beastform. Is that too much to ask?

Apologies for the frustrated tone; the player cooperation events are rather difficult already and this doesn't help at all.

I also agree that it's really disheartening to be told "just be in the boss ring at the end" as if the players on the outer ring don't matter. Playing support isn't as glorious as beating the final boss, but it's the teamwork of everyone that prevails. This fix should be a top priority.

May 31, 2009
I've posted about this else where that I'm not really advocating the event be "nerfed" - I actually appreciate the challenge of this event and like that the emphasis is about Teamwork. Besides, I also believe that as time goes - not just during the 8 days the event is out but also from event to event - the community as a whole gets better. A lot of this has to do with players getting better forms, and finding reliable teammates, but it's more about players getting more comfortable with how to play. What was chaos on day one is routine on day 7 or 8 and not only do most matches make it past the first stage but by Sunday or Monday the wins start to drop. This progression is also evident from event to event - when Mayhem first came out it was one disaster after the next until the final days of the event, but during this current release, most matches I was in were making it into the second stages and many into the third stage right from the start on day 1.

As the community as a whole improves every time this event comes out, why would KI nerf the game today only for people to lose interest in the future? I feel like there's a tendency to believe that rewards must be NOW and success should be IMMEDIATE, but for the health of the game I believe there needs to be a challenge that requires effort. You might not win today, or tomorrow, but as you build up your form(s) and learn the strategies that work (like bumping!!!), success WILL come.

That said, there are a few things KI could do to make this event more successful and "fair" that isn't making it easier.

  • Pause the timer for the animation when the bonus cards are earned for the spiral. yes, it would make it weird as the time stops for the non-spiral fights, but it's terrible when the animation from winning these cards costs your team the win.
  • When the last monster in a fight dies, fight over and NO animation! I've been a part of and heard many other horror stories when the boss has died but in the time it takes for all the DOTS and other hits (that don't really hit anything) to play out, the match has been lost. Play should stop when the last monster dies.
  • And of course, give EVERYONE credit for the win! It's...ironic?....tragic?...that an event that is supposedly all about working as a Team doesn't actually reward the TEAM! In one fight I was in, a player in the spiral had died but refused to flee because he wanted to be present if the team won. We did end up winning but it was touch and go - had he fled it would have been a sure thing as I was ready to jump in - but it easily could have gone the other way in which case his selfishness would have cost EVERYONE the win. Is THAT what KI wants to foster - to do what is best for YOU above the team? Bottom line, you play as a TEAM so you should win as a TEAM.


May 31, 2009
Not sure if I should add this to this thread or start another, but...

1. Players outside the spiral fight still do not get credit for a WIN if the TEAM wins. Much has been posted here about that but still cannot emphasize how unfair this is. It's been three months since this was acknowledged and so far the only "fix" to this was suggested by @sparck on page one of this thread -

- "...make sure you are in the boss battle directly when it is defeated."
Gee, why didn't WE think of that!

2. Players are receiving bans for...who knows what! I received a 12 hour ban after leaving a match after it was over! We had lost, the score was on the screen, and others had already left, but as soon as I hit exit I got the following -

NOTICE: You have been temporarily blocked from the Beastmoon hunt for 12 hours"

Why?! I did receive a warning for pretty much the same thing the day before so apparently this was my second violation, but what did I do? The match was over!

And this isn't just a ME thing - I've heard it happen to others.

I understand that the focus for KI has been Karamelle, but apparently they had enough time to fix the energy reset that has been around since the Beastmoon Hunt first came out. So, instead of fixing something that is really unfair and causes nothing but frustration, they focus on something that we all really hated like bonus energy.

Please KI - this is a fun event but not giving everyone credit for a hard earn win is really disappointing.


May 09, 2020
I had a similar notice as Caspeen last night. I was actually in third spiral when we lost. After exiting out in exactly the same way as always - hitting the proffered exit button after all the stats were displayed, I wound up back in the courtyard of the event, looking at a message that "Failure to participate in Beastmoon can get you banned from future events."

What's up with that? I played every battle and every minute of the game - was never afk or even motionless for more than a second as far as I know. It wasn't a case of mistaken identity, because nobody went missing or afk for that particular game.

Jun 10, 2012
Failure to participate can ban you from future event after a run lost at boss 2 where i played normally

Jun 22, 2010
I too have encountered the "Failure to participate" messages and have been restricted from playing for up to an hour - due to no fault of my own. As described by Caspeen and BogeyPup - it was the same situation for me - once I was in the final wave 3 spiral fight, the other time I was doing the outside fights when the spiral was won. Upon hitting the exit I received the notice. Additionally once I got the time restriction after I hit the Ready to Go "Accept" It did not do the complete countdown - I had 1 minute 12 seconds remaining when I clicked on accept - it went to the transition screen then I was back standing near the arena with the penalty notice. And no, I did not accidentally hit the cancel instead of the accept. However if you could put a bit more distance between them it would be greatly appreciated. There has to be a better way to control errant players. too many honest players get undeserved penalties. Or maybejust stop assigning penalties, especially in Mayhem

Something I would like to see added to the game is a notice in text chat when the time clam is found, so we can scroll up to see if was found. Often I never see the light yellow notice near the bottom of the screen, especially if in a fight. It would be nice to be able to check chat - many find it but never say anything, so other members spend valuable seconds looking for what was already found. Or maybe relocate the notice for when it is found more to the top of the screen and make it a very noticeable color - like neon green, or hot pink

Now that many players are using Discord to communicate - they may know what is going on, but players such as myself that do not want to engage in Discord miss out on a lot of necessary comments, and battle strategy. It would be nice if the Discord players discussed basic things on text chat also. I have been reprimanded rather nastily several times because "I did not get the memo" that was posted through Discord.

Lastly for grouped players that discuss battle plans prior to entering a match - remember there are also players with no knowledge of your group agreed upon plans and strategy. When I see a person chat "I am teamed with "Evan". I do not appreciate getting grief because I - not getting the memo - had no idea they had personal rights to the spot I had already started a fight in. For the remainder of the match I got nothing but grief because unknowingly I guess I kept "stepping on their toes" by doing what they had planned on doing.

Apr 15, 2017
Seems Invigorate does not give the person double pips on the first round that it's used on them. Is that intended?

Used the Balance Fairy Tier 2.

Apr 07, 2017
I was playing Beastmoon Mayhem last night, had a great team! Won wave 3 twice, while on Spiral, and did not receive credit for either win. Frustrating! Also, why would you only let those on Spiral get credit for the win. This is a tough tough fight, that I absolutely love, but only getting credit for win if on Spiral is just wrong! And then to win twice and not receive credit at all.

Molly Deathweaver
130 Death
Level 5, Tier 3 Storm Wolf

Jun 14, 2009
Where to begin...

- credit for the boss fight doesn't apply to everyone
- disconnections from server more common than rest of game
- speed wisps collection doesn't work sometimes and radius is too small
- storm enemies chain stun and chain weakness
- dots take too much time to animate and wrong dot is highlighted when more than 1 dot
- sunbird spell still has "Surtr's Rage" text on casting notification
- says "Hunt!" when game starts
- many terms like "Afterlife", "Detonate", and "Sacrifice" aren't defined
- damage boosts apply past shields
- after a game, your Wiz's health sometimes won't return to max or regenerate (stays at beast form's max)
- there aren't enough wisps at base during initial spawn for everyone which causes fights within teammates
- labels for battles are hidden so people say "upper right" or the schools, which leads to miscommunication
- no menu chat options. still.
- some animations (notably fire giant) don't show damage until next round
- myth minion give-pip-to-all spell just animates to first person
- afterlife spells sometimes glitch
- Athena still shows wrong battle circles (middle ones) in her dialog
- no explanation of what brackets mean
- still get the infinite +10 event points glitch when starting a match for the first time
- beastmoon seed cultivator has the wrong icon (has shovel in the recipe, doesn't when interacting)
- elemental moon seed recipe is listed as "element moon seed"
- cheat-cast spells referred to as both Sigil Spells and Spiral Spells depending where you look
- the Help pages need some real help with the UI and explanations. Typos, inconsistent capitalization, needs more info, and the background moves between pages. For example "Each school receives a bonus of +25 damage against their opposing School" and then says balance doesn't have one. How about "Schools receive..."? Wiz uses words like $10 words throughout the story, but its explanations aren't articulate. What levels of a Beast's Form do they increase their hand-size? How long are matches usually? New players assume drains return the whole drain to health. There's so many questions relating to the mode that really there should be a tutorial quest.
- double pip auras sometimes don't give double pips the next round
- outside battles do not end when wave is completed, often taking a minute while animations complete
- get banned for no reason, must contact support
Features requested:
- time clam needs an icon indicator while it is available (like upper left-hand corner or something).
- 3v2 and 2v3 should be allowed in menu chat and/or text chat
- boss health needs a good 20% nerf
- increase the rank of the monster you face to match the rounds (rank 1 = wave 1, rank 3 = wave 3) so that you can get more event points
- increase lunari given by +5 each wave
- have each wave give a beastmoon seed
- remove fire giant from all fire enemies
- reagents should be affected by Double Reagents benefit
- Meleager should offer some lunari.
- have clams drop overpowered TCs
- +20% speed boost to all forms in game
- cut animation times
- pause countdown during Sigil/Spiral spell casts
- allow players to join matches in progress (or re-join upon disconnecting)
- let players "give up" when they lose players or a boss battle
- re-evaluate spells based on use and re-balance them
- battle updates in chat: <player> fled <location>, time clam found by <player>
- give 15 seconds before next wave starts (lets animations end for people still in battle and players to regroup and buy cards from Acteon)
- spawn pips and health after winning outside battles during boss fights (or at least the teleporter)
- get a small consolation prize (+2 lunari and +5 event points for finishing per wave completed)
- some form of consistency as to what is craftable at the limited-time crafting station

I'd really like lunari to get a buff. I know some very active players who don't have a single tier 5 in a form yet. The only ones I do know that have one buy the Scroll of Fortune. I have nothing against it, but I get far less lunari and event points in this event than Beastmoon Hunt, and this one is much more challenging and takes longer. Why a mode whose currency is lunari gives so much gold and so little lunari is beyond me.

I'd also like the "Capture a Battle Ring" to not have a maximum number of points, similar to Beastmoon Hunt. I don't understand this decision, but I don't like it. If it's because you can get 2 or 3 rings while others are in spiral, I think making event points more available will reduce the issue.
Also, I genuinely don't know what the difference between a ward and an absorb shield is in this mode and I've been playing far too long to not know. If it's that a ward is a trap or a shield, it's not functioning like that across all forms' spells.

Anyway, as you can tell, I must enjoy this game mode to put up with all this. Please fix. Thanks.

Mar 24, 2009
The badge count is not working I won about 6 or 7 times but it didn't add I am still on 41

Apr 18, 2013
Molly StormHeart on Nov 24, 2020 wrote:
I was playing Beastmoon Mayhem last night, had a great team! Won wave 3 twice, while on Spiral, and did not receive credit for either win. Frustrating! Also, why would you only let those on Spiral get credit for the win. This is a tough tough fight, that I absolutely love, but only getting credit for win if on Spiral is just wrong! And then to win twice and not receive credit at all.

Molly Deathweaver
130 Death
Level 5, Tier 3 Storm Wolf
I was on that team. You'll know who I am when I say, Good Golly, Miss Molly".

-The badge count is not working! Please fix the badge count retroactively. I want all the Wins I had to show.
Without being rewarded much for winning wave 3, and now without even receiving credit towards the badge, I started questioning what I'm even playing Mayhem for (once I received my 500pts). For what? The little bit of Lunari I got and some runes? Is that worth it?

-I've had so many warnings and 15-minute penalties which has been going on many many months (since before Mayhem). For me, occasionally, Beastmoon crashes my game and Wiz shuts down completely, and up pops Bug Reporter. I send in my report, log back onto wiz, try Beastmoon and there shows the 15 minutes counting down. Surely the team I was going to go in with was with a Missing player each time this happened. So it does not just affect me.

-And here is another horror story. Wave 3 Spiral. We lost but had tons of time left. We pick our new forms and try again. We did great this 2nd attempt. The enemies were all defeated and vanished from the screen. We won it and I was the first to shout "woohoo!". The last place spot was life dragon (which was my form on the first attempt) and he had decided to give a random player a victory heal (we all had pretty much full health I think). The heal he gave was not even one that takes too much time to cast (it was the heal/blade) and the timer kept counting down; 6 5 4 3 Game Over, Monsters Win!
Worse than not winning due to an ill-advised heal is how it must have made that kid feel. Some asked him "why heal?" and I can only imagine what goes through a young mind when something like this happens. The psyche is very fragile. He didn't speak after this happened. I tried communicating but it was like the kid just froze, knowing his 1 decision cost us the game. But it is not the players I would like to tell him. It is the game itself.

-Another time, my Mayhem team had just 5 players. Why in the SpiralVerse would a match start with 5 players?

-KI, you guys decided to go and fix something no one wanted fixing. The energy bug that I cannot imagine anyone reporting this. It tells me you can know about bugs not reported. Here we are reporting many bugs that if not fixed by the very next Beastmoon, people are going to stop playing it.

Stop dishing out penalties/bans/warnings of no fault our own! And fix the badge count. Fix the timer that does not count all the way down. Fix the game crashing on many of us. Up the rewards. And do something drastic as compensation to all Beastmoon lovers (and Mayhem too) to show you are not taking this lightly and you care.

May 09, 2020
I have a couple of suggestions that might fix a lot of the "Missing player" issues. As we all know, it is nearly impossible to win with only five players, but a whole lot of players go missing early in a match.

The first is super easy and seems like a no-brainer to me:

Please just put a bold print message somewhere on the "Join Match" screen that says *a successful game will take up to 38 minutes* (by my calculation: 3 rounds of 10 minutes each, 3 clams of 2 minutes, waiting time at base about 2 minutes). I have had several polite people apologize after learning there was a second wave or asking how long a game takes - just before they quit to go to class or work or whatever commitment.

And also, please - don't let a game start with only five players. If somebody goes missing within the first 5 minutes, add another player. Add a "standby" category if you must. Award extra lunari or something to people willing to join a game in progress, to make up for being limited to whatever beasts remain at base.

Apr 22, 2011
Sparck. on Aug 18, 2020 wrote:
Wizards! Today we released the new Beastmoon Monster Mayhem event (you got a sneak peek of this during Summer Test Realm).

Please post a link from an existing thread (you can create it fresh if the topic doesn't yet exist) in a reply here for issues you have about the event.


Can you improve the game in Beastmoon Hunt Monster Mayhem, I am on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and I have been playing today and the spell cards take a long time to show up on the screen and select and cast, the game does not display the cards when the selection round begins for a while which takes away from the time you have to complete the match on the countdown timer.

I dot not know if this would improve from updating to the new MacOS Big Sur update or if it will be the same game lagging in the Beastmoon Hunt Monster Mayhem.

Also some cards take a really long time to cast which also takes away from the time you need to complete the matches in Beastmoon Hunt Monster Mayham. if you can improve on these problems and resolve them that would be great.

I hope you have a solution to these big problem in the game, please get back to me as soon as possible.

Thank you

Mar 30, 2014
I can now confirm that in the current spirit monster mayhem, no wins are being credited, whether the player is in the spiral or out of the spiral, not that it should make any difference as this is a team event and all team members should get credit for a team win. Here's one report about this that I commented on earlier. https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/beastmoon-monster-mayhem-event-wins-not-being-counted-8ad6a42b76fb05f50177023688216ed8?page=1

Also, the minion of one of the myth opponents doesn't die when the opponent does. It has to be killed as a separate opponent.