I leveled up to 56 (:D) and i was told to go to Baldur GoldPaws for new spell. I looked at him and he had nothing to offer. I have made it to Nastrond. I looked on game updates and read that you must have beaten the quest "Su Su Sudrilund". Well, I have almost BEATEN Wintertusk, let alone Sudrilund. So, what do i do?
I leveled up to 56 (:D) and i was told to go to Baldur GoldPaws for new spell. I looked at him and he had nothing to offer. I have made it to Nastrond. I looked on game updates and read that you must have beaten the quest "Su Su Sudrilund". Well, I have almost BEATEN Wintertusk, let alone Sudrilund. So, what do i do?
Did you complete the level 35 spell quest from Erik Wyldrune also?
There are still some hang-ups in the new spell quests. For one, in test realm, you had to fight a boss in Ravenscar for the level 35 spell. Ravenscar doesn't open until level 40, so they moved it to Mirkhom Keep. However, you still get the pop-up for Baldur Goldpaws after defeating the first quest based opponent in Ravenscar, even if already have the spell from Mirkholm Keep. There are still some details that need to be smoothed out. I checked from time to time on my legendaries and I don't think Baldur sent me to get my level 55 quest until after I unlocked Nastrond in Wintertusk.
yea i did complete "Spell Thief". I beleice I was level...39?
Great. Your question has been answered so you need to show a little more initative. If you have completed all three requirements then go to Grizzleheim and talk to Erik Wyrdrune in Northguard.
I leveled up to 56 (:D) and i was told to go to Baldur GoldPaws for new spell. I looked at him and he had nothing to offer. I have made it to Nastrond. I looked on game updates and read that you must have beaten the quest "Su Su Sudrilund". Well, I have almost BEATEN Wintertusk, let alone Sudrilund. So, what do i do?
Did you go to Baldur Goldpaws in the right location? He's at both Northguard in GH and in Olde town down from the bazaar. You need to see him at his location in Olde Town. If he doesn't have it, check with your school's professor, Merle Ambrose, and check your quest log for Any quest that says Grizzleheim- maybe you got the quest and forgot... - eli and crew