I recently got the samoori spell from the ninja lore pack on my storm lvl 45. I went to unicornway and got in a battle. I had one powerpip and three pips and it wouldn't let me cast it. So then i went to the ninja lore pack online and i read that it should of used powerpips and pips accordingly. I am just wondering if anyone can help me out with this?
Ninja Lore Pack spells will obey the rules of pips and powerpips.
If you are a Myth Wizard and receive a Myth spell it will use your pips and powerpips accordingly meaning it will count power pips as two pips.
If you are a Balance Wizard and receive a Myth spell, it will use your pips & powerpips accordingly, meaning it will treat power pips as single pips.
If you are wearing a Myth Mastery Amulet and receive a Myth spell, it will use your pips & power pips accordingly meaning it will recognize the Mastery Amulet and count power pips as two pips.