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Nightwalker Mess Up

Mar 04, 2009
i was in the test realm and i had a wraith and someone else had an orthrus. we combined our pets to get a nightwalker which gives death minotaur card at ancient. but when i did it in the live realm, my nightwalker gave me WRAITH i looked it up and it should give death minotaur. I AM VERY MAD AND CONFUSED. i spend a lot of money on this game and i think you should fix this bug. AND KINGSISLE, I HOPE THAT YOU REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE AND GIVE ME THE RIGHT NIGHTWALKER PET. I NEED THIS TO BE FIXED. I AM GOING TO TRY AGAIN BUT ORTHRUS IS SO DARN HARD TO FIND. IT TOOK ME 5 DAYS TO FIND ONE LAST TIME.

Alex SkyRider
Level 50

Nothing in life is guaranteed.

You are not guaranteed a hybrid on hatch.

You lucked out the first time around on the Test Realm, but there's only a small chance you will get a hybrid on any hatch.

Please take a moment to read the Message Board Code of Conduct located here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/codeofconduct
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If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Mar 13, 2009
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Nothing in life is guaranteed.

You are not guaranteed a hybrid on hatch.

You lucked out the first time around on the Test Realm, but there's only a small chance you will get a hybrid on any hatch.

Please take a moment to read the Message Board Code of Conduct located here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/codeofconduct
Subsequent posts in all caps will not be approved.

I think what ashong122 is trying to say is that he is confused WHY in the test realm his Nightwalker gave a death minotaur card and when he hatched again he got a Nightwalker with a wraith card.

Jun 13, 2009
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Nothing in life is guaranteed.

You are not guaranteed a hybrid on hatch.

You lucked out the first time around on the Test Realm, but there's only a small chance you will get a hybrid on any hatch.

Please take a moment to read the Message Board Code of Conduct located here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/codeofconduct
Subsequent posts in all caps will not be approved.

ashong122 meant why her nightwalker gave wraith and someone she saw in test realm's nightwalker gave death minotaur, it happened to me too

Aug 20, 2009
This happened to me too! I hatched my Wraith with an Orthrus and saw that my egg was a 21 hour hatch time. I was SO excited! I ran to the Dye Shop to preview my pet and discovered a Nightwalker. I was overjoyed because I seemed to be lucky with hatching! Now I had a Nightwalker AND a Grimzilla! The next day, the Nightwalker hatched and I immediately equipped it. However, it said "Gives one WRAITH card at baby!" In the Test Realm, all my friends got Death Minotaur when their Nightwalkers hatched. I WASTED 43,000 GOLD FOR ANOTHER WRAITH CARD! Not to be rude, but I WANT MY DEATH MINOTAUR CARD! Please..? :( :(

- Valerian DarkBringer- Grandmaster Death/Life
- Galen FrostFlame- Magus Ice/Balance
- Thomas DragonCaster- Initiate Life/Storm

Aug 18, 2010
This also happened to me. I have really been wanting the death mintotaur card and to fnd out that the nightwalker gives wraith is a real upset. You probably cant but if you can, will you please switch the card or at the least tell me if this card is possible to recieve. thanks for reding this!

Apr 02, 2010
Jan 04, 2010
LOL well the one that gives death minotaur at ancient is a hybrid between the nightwalker pet and another nightwalker pet both give wraith then the pet that comes out is the one that gives minotaur :) i hope i straightened this thing out :)