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Ninja Master Badge Glitch

Jan 13, 2013
My friend was helping me get the "Master of Ice" badge and as I walked into the secret shop for the one spell, I got the "Ninja Master" badge. I asked him if that was right and he said no. I found out that you have to play "Way of the Ninja" 100 times. While I have only played it about 6 times. So, just letting you know about this bug.

Jul 02, 2009
Just to clear a question up, forgot that the secret trainer only gave myth spells, so we actually did go there by accident, but when Zac entered the Secret Shop, he obtained the badge instantly. He has completed 6 Way of the Ninja Pig courses and randomly got Ninja Master badge.

Sep 21, 2011
this happend to me too, i was told that it was for doing 50 way of the ninja pig coarses. perhaps it is a glitch that you get when you enter the shop, strange thing though it is like you are retelling my story