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No Luck...

May 04, 2011
I have no idea why it does it still

I can't get my spell..

my life character is level 48.

I have gone on wizard101 wiki and looked to see if there was a quest I needed to finish...
There isn't

It says to just go to Moolinda but when I do, she doesn't have the quest for me

I don't know how to fix this, and I'd rather do anything else then to trouble someone for technical support..

is it able to be fixed simply?>

Jul 16, 2009
It could be 2 things- Your game might be buggy, or, you didn't finish certain quests in Mooshu. There are certain quests there that must be completed by Life Wizards in order to advance.
I ran into a similar problems, once, long ago.
Visiting Mossback, in Mooshu might help.
Looking for every single quest in Mooshu is likely your answer.
Life wizards have very specific tasks they have to fill in order to get their spells.
Certain level 36 tasks. Certain level 10, certain level 18's...one has to complete them in order to get ALL of their spells.

Try that.
Do ALL of Mooshu.

It's usually Mooshu.
