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Not a bug - An idea to help squash them

Jun 04, 2010
So, I'm not positive if this is the appropriate forum. However, I had an idea the other day that I wanted to mention to the professors. There is a lot of posting about bugs that are not bugs. Often they are just misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the rules. I also understand that not everyone has detailed knowledge of the game mechanics nor are many inclined to even care. However, its a big deal to myself and many others. It would be wonderful if there was a guide which we could reference to be able to help determine if a particular issue is indeed a bug or not.

For instance, the intended processing order of items such as wards and charms, the intended method of applying new systems such as armor pierce, etc. A guide would go a long way in helping at least myself to give detailed feedback on bugs in test realm. If this is giving away too much information about the game, then is there a way to sign an NDA or something similar? Assuming that it won't actually cost me money and that its a reasonably standard non-disclosure agreement, I for one would have no problem whatsoever in signing it. I very much enjoy bug hunting and have given many, many bug reports during test. If it can be arranged, I am offering to assist on a more technical level with bug hunting.

I look forward to hearing what the professors think,
