I am having a very hard time trying to go into the building in the Ancient Burial Grounds where the last peice of the dragon rider staff that Is needed In Dragonspire in order for me to get closer to Malistaire. I Defeated Wavebringer, and did all availible quests in Mooshu, and I cant enter the building that has the chest. Untill I can get help, I am unable to do more quests in Dragonspire. The place is the forest spirit shrine, is there a way for me to enter now? :?
It isn't just Wavebringer that has quests to be done.
It is also Mossback and Oakheart. You must have missed something.
This was an earlier post from Gamma... Hope it helps...
If Theurgists are having trouble completing your level 48 Life spell quest, you must complete a sidequest in MooShu in order to have access to Oakheart in the Jade Palace.
You must complete these quests, in this order, to get to Oakheart in the Jade Palace. A lot of these quests are the same side quests that you need to complete for the “Wizard Tours” quest or Obsidian Chests quest to get access to the one chest in MooShu.
Cave of Solitude 1. I’m Cursed (from Mossback) 2. Rock On (from Mossback)
Kishibe Village 1. Wear Your Gloves (from Mossback)
Village of Sorrow 1. Tainted Forest (from Wavebringer) 2. Forest Spirit (from Wavebringer)
Tree of Life 1. The Great Forest (from Oakheart) 2. Everlasting Forest (from Oakheart)
“Everlasting Forest” quest will give you access to Oakheart in the Jade Palace!
If you are not sure if you have completed any of these quests, or are still having trouble, contact Support with your username and character name and they will help you get moving forward. {o,o} |)_)
The Village of Sorrow quests are the first ones that most people miss, since Wavebringer is easy to miss there. Wavebringer and Oakheart (in the next quests in the series) are easy to find using the map feature.
There are no quests for me from Mossback or Wavebringer. I am 99% certain I finished ALL quests in Moo Shu. I frankly think it is unconscionable, whatever the reason, that people who have invested time and money to get to end game should have to deal with this for.. what? a year? Posts on this forum and fansite forums are at least a year old. So.. the solution is for me to stand around, change realms, post on here begging for help? That's it? Thanks for nothing, KI.
I cannot access the hut in Ancient Burial Ground to complete the Obsidian Chest quest needed to CONTINUE my game. Just in case you haven't seen this problem/question before KI.. there it is.
There are no quests for me from Mossback or Wavebringer. I am 99% certain I finished ALL quests in Moo Shu. I frankly think it is unconscionable, whatever the reason, that people who have invested time and money to get to end game should have to deal with this for.. what? a year? Posts on this forum and fansite forums are at least a year old. So.. the solution is for me to stand around, change realms, post on here begging for help? That's it? Thanks for nothing, KI.
I cannot access the hut in Ancient Burial Ground to complete the Obsidian Chest quest needed to CONTINUE my game. Just in case you haven't seen this problem/question before KI.. there it is.
I am 100% certain you did not, because if you did you would have access to Oakheart (not to mention that having access to Oakheart is actually a side quest in Mooshu - not just the obsidian chest quest from DS).
The solution is to drop your attitude and go do the quests you skipped earlier on.
Go back to the Village of Sorrow and run down to where you see Wavebringer on your map. There should be something for you to do there.
slbbw wrote:
There are no quests for me from Mossback or Wavebringer. I am 99% certain I finished ALL quests in Moo Shu. I frankly think it is unconscionable, whatever the reason, that people who have invested time and money to get to end game should have to deal with this for.. what? a year? Posts on this forum and fansite forums are at least a year old. So.. the solution is for me to stand around, change realms, post on here begging for help? That's it? Thanks for nothing, KI.
I cannot access the hut in Ancient Burial Ground to complete the Obsidian Chest quest needed to CONTINUE my game. Just in case you haven't seen this problem/question before KI.. there it is.
I am having that same problem with getting the last chest for Malistaire. I can't get into the last dojo either I am Fire and there is no quest for me to do either to get into that dojo. How do I get that chest to complet it? I am level 45 and completed everything!
I am having the same issue on my ice wizard. I did I'm Cursed, Wear Your Gloves, and the next step is to go speak to Wavebringer in Shirataki Temple. And he's not there. I followed the order exactly, have fought him before (obviously, to get to Plague Oni, you have to), and he's not appearing where the arrow from Mossback tells me to go. I have had people tell me I missed a quest, but I didn't. So, to complete the entire series, and get to the obsidian chest, I understand what I have to do, but I don't understand why the boss I need to speak with after Wear Your Gloves is not there. I believe this is why people are frustrated, and I certainly hope someone can either fix the bug that is causing this, or share with the numerous people who are having this problem what, exactly, we are doing incorrectly. Erin Ice Weaver, magus.
I have gone to talk with Mossback in all of the above listed places, but nothing happens. I am assuming it is because I have completed the side quests, but I still have no luck getting in to the Burial Grounds to get the other chest. I have talked to customer support but they just gave me the same list. So can some one help me?