I know if you have a credit card linked to your account you can get open chat, but I can't find where I can change it? If someone could show me that would be great.
I can't post screenshots, so hopefully my directions will suffice: -sign in on the main W101 site page on your computer (not mobile device) -under your username in the menu on the left, click "My Accounts" (the first option) -use "login master password" in the top right corner, if applicable -click the "parental controls" tab along the top of the menu (second from the right) -"Chat - Open Text" should be the second option from the top. Switch this so that the checkbox indicates this feature is on.
If the checkbox is grayed out and you can't change it, remember that you have to not only have a credit card linked to your account, but you must list your age as 18 or older. If you've already set it, you won't be able to change it.