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Open chat using Gift Card

May 04, 2009
I am 18+ and a paying member, as the open-chat rules dictate.

Apparently you must be paying through a valid credit card in order to enable open chat. I currently do not have a credit card due to adding expenses, and I have to use Wizard 101 cards.

If any staff could give me some help toward how to get through this problem it would be greatly appreciated.


Prepaid Gift Cards purchased in the store cannot be used as proof of age. We've explained this repeatedly - since anyone of any age can purchase the prepaid cards in stores, they cannot be used as verification of age over 18.

If you want to enable Open Chat for players over the age of 18, you can only do so with a valid credit card (not a gift card, not a gift certificate).

I'm sorry this isn't the news you wanted to hear, however we have to protect our younger players, even at the expense of the conveniences for our adult players.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Oct 24, 2010
i think we should be able to get text chat with a gift card. Because it is not fair that we can't get text chat with a gift card. is my opinion.

Oct 26, 2010
Aug 13, 2010
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Prepaid Gift Cards purchased in the store cannot be used as proof of age. We've explained this repeatedly - since anyone of any age can purchase the prepaid cards in stores, they cannot be used as verification of age over 18.

If you want to enable Open Chat for players over the age of 18, you can only do so with a valid credit card (not a gift card, not a gift certificate).

I'm sorry this isn't the news you wanted to hear, however we have to protect our younger players, even at the expense of the conveniences for our adult players.

Well it doesn't cost anything...Right? (assuming you pay for all your Wizard goods with Prepaid Cards)