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Overpowered School, Storm

Dec 20, 2009
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.

Duncan D.
Ryan S.
Necroman, Balancer.

Apr 18, 2010
Storm is not overpowered at all. I am not even storm and I think it is fine. You have to look at their health. At level 70 they have like 2500 health! It is not overpowered at all!

Feb 12, 2011
Each school has both good and bad aspects. Storm also has a spell that gives the player a blade valued at 10% per pip. I've done over 62,000 damage.

However, we have very, very low life. I've seen death players with 4,000 life who just blade up and scarecrow all day long.

It's a game, you don't like your school pick another one :)

Jul 20, 2009
Mhbgc wrote:
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.

Duncan D.
Ryan S.
Necroman, Balancer.

Storm has low accuracy, and health. Why try to make them weak? There is a such thing as a storm shield you know. Storm's attacks is about the only thing that can help them survive a battle. Without high damaged attacks, they won't be really helpful. Storm is the strongest school with the lowest health and I doubt that KI will change the strongest school and reduce more of storm's attacks.

Jun 19, 2009
Ice: By level 70, most are 4500+, with low attacks.
Storm: By level 70, most are at 2,500+ with very high attacks.
Death: By level 70, most are 3,300+ with An attack and healing spell in one.
Myth: Many henchmen, very weak school
etc. etc.

Each school is unique otherwise that would make the game less fun.

May 10, 2010
Mhbgc wrote:
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.

Duncan D.
Ryan S.
Necroman, Balancer.

I know a lot of people and everyone says, my Death and my Balance are way too Overpowered!

People who know me also think my Ice and Life are also way too Overpowered!

People who know me also say that my Fire and Myth Wizards are unbeatable and too Overpowered!

Sorry, but no school is Overpowered, it is the players!

Just because you are jealous of something, does not mean it is overpowered!

I personally feel, that all schools have great spells and effects!

Don't be so envious, learn to enjoy what you have and are given!

Jan 23, 2009
hunteray09 wrote:
Ice: By level 70, most are 4500+, with low attacks.
Storm: By level 70, most are at 2,500+ with very high attacks.
Death: By level 70, most are 3,300+ with An attack and healing spell in one.
Myth: Many henchmen, very weak school
etc. etc.

Each school is unique otherwise that would make the game less fun.

I agree every month or so something wants to change the rules to make them feel stronger while others schools are taken down a beg. But as I see it I have storm and while it have the most damage Ice is better at pvp and while ice is all protections and tank Death is the best char to solo and life can beat storm into the ground and still leave room to heal.

You have to learn the strengths and weakness of them all then you will find it easier beat them which i am assuming is your only reason to complain.

Feb 25, 2009
Storm is not overpowered. NO school is.

The gear you use with the percentage of damage along with buffs for your spells makes a big difference in how much damage you can produce. You just have to learn how to use it to your best advantage for your school.

Nov 10, 2010
storm is fine,it is always going to be the most used school as its for people how just want to hit hard.thats what its all about.you dont have to even think or put a blade up.just hit.
it is one school i myself will never learn.they have there place like all wizards in the game.storms is raw power not brain power.none thinkers can play a storm well.

Jul 09, 2009
Mhbgc wrote:
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.

Duncan D.
Ryan S.
Necroman, Balancer.

Please storm is argubaly the worst class in PvP. Wow what level are you 20? Sirens does 880 damage, removes one blade, -50 acc, and reduce major threat big deal, while Dr. Von's Monster with only death blade, spirit blade, and colossal does about 5000+ damage and leaves an infection. Great argurment and I don't even have a storm.

Aaron Drakewalker Transcended Pyromancer

Sep 19, 2011
DaMan32 wrote:
storm is fine,it is always going to be the most used school as its for people how just want to hit hard.thats what its all about.you dont have to even think or put a blade up.just hit.
it is one school i myself will never learn.they have there place like all wizards in the game.storms is raw power not brain power.none thinkers can play a storm well.

Funny, for all the wizards that I have and leveled, (and I have them all school too transcended), storm school is one of the school that I had a hard time with leveling without any help whatsoever. In the process you learn a lot about keeping yourself alive because of your low health. Saying that this school is for non thinkers and a no brainer is not fair for the storm players in this game. Saying that you dont even have to think or put a blade but just hit IS the no brainer. I advise you to learn the school before you make any quick judgement and insult the entire storm community .

May 23, 2010
ry3mh0n wrote:
DaMan32 wrote:
storm is fine,it is always going to be the most used school as its for people how just want to hit hard.thats what its all about.you dont have to even think or put a blade up.just hit.
it is one school i myself will never learn.they have there place like all wizards in the game.storms is raw power not brain power.none thinkers can play a storm well.

Funny, for all the wizards that I have and leveled, (and I have them all school too transcended), storm school is one of the school that I had a hard time with leveling without any help whatsoever. In the process you learn a lot about keeping yourself alive because of your low health. Saying that this school is for non thinkers and a no brainer is not fair for the storm players in this game. Saying that you dont even have to think or put a blade but just hit IS the no brainer. I advise you to learn the school before you make any quick judgement and insult the entire storm community .

The schools, in my experience, are very good at being specific to someone's play style. My favorite is fire, because if you're patient enough to plan the Damage Over Time (DOT) effects, you make it very hard for an opponent to effectively shield against you. Walk into the arena thinking you'll spam meteor and helephant to win, like I did, and suddenly you're just "storm lite" and you get your wizard hat handed to you. :D

Yeah, storm does awesome damage. If It Works. Seriously their school motto could be, "It's great, when it works!" They can kill you in one hit easier than anyone else, but if they fizzle, an all too common occurance in the beginning and mid-game, they're the school voted most likely to be killed in one hit. Theyr'e the all or nothing school, suited to gamblers and risk takers.

Nov 10, 2010
really i was meaning in pvp.i mean who cares how powerful they are in the open game.should have made that clear in my first post.
My RL lady has a storm and i see how easy it is for her to play.but then she is a thinker and is always with me.i dont no alot of people that solo the game,i no they are out there but its not why i play(2 be a loner i mean).
id say a storm solo would be hard to play in game yes.wasn't aware that was what the post is about.i pvp alot and see more storms and yes lifes in there than any other schools.oh yea and they are almost all warlords.so really how hard can it be?like i say i have a storm player close to me most of the time and do like having it around for hitting.but in truth that is all the school is for.no tactics just hit.
so anyway for the post i made maybe it should be moved or put in a pvp section of the board as that is what i was getting at.the overpower of storm is great in game and really no so bad in pvp.but in pvp they are the spam kings so again a say how hard can it really be to play?

Aug 15, 2009
Mhbgc wrote:
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.

Duncan D.
Ryan S.
Necroman, Balancer.

Storm was meant to be Powerful, but suffer from less Health and resistance...

Although Storm have powerful attacks, their attacks have no effect on anyone who has shields! Making Storm school very weak...

Ice, Fire, and Myth can do greater advantage of damage with their over time damage spells... So Storm can hit a single hit with great amount of damage but all that damage can be engage on shields...

Storm is powerful when going against monsters, mob, and bosses... But not on PvP, Majority of warlords are Ice wizards.

Feb 25, 2009
It is really getting very tiring to see so many posting that storm is overpowered. My storm wizard is no where near that power yet and I can't wait till she is.

Now, if you look at storms in the real world you can see how a storm wizard is created. A real life storm can be weak and fizzle out quickly or it can be the most devatating thing out there. Take a look at the damage from some of the hurricanes such as Katrina, or Rita. People are still trying to recover from Katrina.

Your school is what you make it. You can keep it weak and defenseless or you can build it and power it up. Your choice.

The abilities that storm wizards have gained they have worked hard for. So I think it is time for this "PICK ON STORM" subject to be put to bed.

Aug 12, 2009
Transcended Storm wizard in Waterworks gear with Bear Claw of Storm and Amethyst Ring of Battle have 2401 Health at Level 70.

Sirens is 880 Damage to All.
Mammoth is 820+ to One
Katz Monster is 820 Drain to One
Gnomes is 780-880 to One
Chimera is 340 Life, Myth, Death to One (340 x 3 = 1020)
Rain of Fire is 300 + 800/3 to All (1100 to All)
Basilisk is 325 + 825/3 to one (1150)

Of course, that's when you get into the calculations of Gear Damage boost... A Storm Wizard, with a properly hatched pet, can have a total Gear Damage boost of 100%. The pet would need Pain-Bringer, Pain-Giver, and Storm-Giver. The Storm Wizard would also need to be wearing the same gear I listed at the top, which gives an 85% Damage boost. My storm wizard has a 91% Damage Boost with his Pet's 6%.

This means that 880 + 275 = 1155 (Colossal Sirens). Then you start the Multiplication.
1155 + 91% = 2206.05 Add in a Regular storm blade (30%):
+ 30% = 2867.865 and then add in the Necklace 35% Stormblade
+ 35% = 3871.61775 and then a 30% Balance blade
+ 30% = 5033.103075 and a 35% Dragonblade
+ 35% = 6794.68915125 and a 35% Elemental Blade
+ 35% = 9172.8303541875, and that's just from 5 blades, easy to put on with 2+ People. With 2 people blading a Storm wizard, the storm wizard has time to build the pips quickly for Sirens. All he needs to do is cast 2 Blades and an Aura and he's ready to go usually. Have someone pierce a 90% Tower shield on a boss, and if need be, add a feint or 2, and you're ready to 1-hit-kill almost anything.

Of course, this works great in PVE where a Healer can hold the aggro of the enemies. It doesn't work well in PVP, where a Storm Wizard is the first damage target and the Life is targeted with Dispels.

Sep 19, 2009
All the schools are balanced. There are no overpowerd schools. All schools are equil in their own ways.

Oct 14, 2011
Storm can't be overpowered. Impossible.

You have MANY shields to choose from and stack for protection against their attacks, plus they have base 70% to hit which is rather fizz-friendly. They need this damage and stun ability because of the base hit chance anyways.

Look at Balance. How many ways can you block their Judgement skill? Ever been hit by 14 pip, over buffed and trapped Judgement? ie, dual feints, dual hex, quad blades.

You have ONLY 3 options and 1 of them isn't the best unless stacked with the others; natural resistances (from items) OR Tower Shield, which only reduces by -50% (stack a treasure on it for another -55%, but people rarely know this) OR finally, the Legion Shield for -30% (this also comes in -35% treasure card). So, unless you plan to stack 4 shields to block a balance's Judgement hit, this is the class you should complain about.

Storm is too strong, you say? You can block them by stacking a Tower Shield, two -70's, a -80 plus natural resistances. They'll be lucky to hit 20 damage on you through a critical.

Mar 18, 2011
Johnist wrote:
Transcended Storm wizard in Waterworks gear with Bear Claw of Storm and Amethyst Ring of Battle have 2401 Health at Level 70.

Sirens is 880 Damage to All.
Mammoth is 820+ to One
Katz Monster is 820 Drain to One
Gnomes is 780-880 to One
Chimera is 340 Life, Myth, Death to One (340 x 3 = 1020)
Rain of Fire is 300 + 800/3 to All (1100 to All)
Basilisk is 325 + 825/3 to one (1150)

AH HA! Yes you are corect, but Sirens is 880 damage to all.
That is 880 x 1 = 880, 880 x 2 = 1760, 880 x 3 = 2640, 880 x 4 = 3520, no blades no traps.

Luke BattleSword
Level 37 Life/Storm/Fire

"without life the world would be a rock"

Sep 05, 2011
Don't do 1 versus 1 in pvp with a storm. Otherwise, what's the problem.

May 10, 2010
6000T wrote:
Johnist wrote:
Transcended Storm wizard in Waterworks gear with Bear Claw of Storm and Amethyst Ring of Battle have 2401 Health at Level 70.

Sirens is 880 Damage to All.
Mammoth is 820+ to One
Katz Monster is 820 Drain to One
Gnomes is 780-880 to One
Chimera is 340 Life, Myth, Death to One (340 x 3 = 1020)
Rain of Fire is 300 + 800/3 to All (1100 to All)
Basilisk is 325 + 825/3 to one (1150)

AH HA! Yes you are corect, but Sirens is 880 damage to all.
That is 880 x 1 = 880, 880 x 2 = 1760, 880 x 3 = 2640, 880 x 4 = 3520, no blades no traps.

Luke BattleSword
Level 37 Life/Storm/Fire

"without life the world would be a rock"

How exactly does this make Storm Overpowered?

If you recall, Tempest is 80 per pip to all, so, for 9 maybe 10 pips if they are all power pips, Tempest can do 800 damage to all!

Now, if you take Storm Lord which does 695 for 7 pips and compare them, Storm Lord is a much stronger spell than both Tempest and Sirens.

However, none of these spells make Storm Overpowered, since all schools have an attack all spell!

Don't be jealous because storm was the only school this time to get an attack all spell!

Aug 30, 2011
DavidStronghunter1... wrote:
Storm is not overpowered at all. I am not even storm and I think it is fine. You have to look at their health. At level 70 they have like 2500 health! It is not overpowered at all!

Ha! You'll be dead before you can kill them! They are too fast and are like beserkers that kill you before you kill them.

Aug 11, 2009
Mhbgc wrote:
I know a lot of people and they all agree, storm is overpowered. When a storm sudent is level 38, they get triton, a spell that does close to 1,000 damage, when blance gets a minions summon spell! Some of my friends are storm, but they think its ok beacuse its their school. For example, the level 68 spell does 980 ( Something in the 900's ) to all enimies, plus stun and all the other things, while death only gets one that hits one person! If it is going to be super strong, they should have less AoE spells and more single shots. When you get to higher levels, its hard having spells that only do damage to one person.

Duncan D.
Ryan S.
Necroman, Balancer.

You have to be Storm to say these things about us. I am lvl 40 and my health boted up and everything is only 1500. My friends health is crazy high to me. Our crazy high damage is just our specilty. Our weakness lies in our health and accurcy. Take Life and Ice for example. Ice gets all this health, has shelds and has a fairly high accurcy. It's weakness is low damage. For Life they get healing powers, have highish health and have really high accurcy. Thier weakness to me is the same as Ice. You study in Balance and Death so you have nothing to be arguing about. Fair accurcy, mediem health, mediem to high spells, half (yay. I finally spelled it ) back on health on some spells. Man you have it good. If you really want to fight, start training in Storm. This WILL help>

Apr 19, 2010
infact lately many schools are over powered. and poor ice is nerfed (basically weakened) ice cant hit hard at all. These new spells need drawbacks, its crazy to hit well over 1000 to all enimies with no blades and traps, infact insane. There should be harmful effects to the user from these new extriordinary spells. for example: What if the levithian spell caused the caster to take double damage on the next 2 turns? it could very well balance out the game. same for all classes they need drawbacks on their SPELLS.There needs to be strategy not kill kill kill, it makes the game too easy. for all those who think im insane, think about everybody's spells and compare them all.

Feb 25, 2009
barneyand1 wrote:
infact lately many schools are over powered. and poor ice is nerfed (basically weakened) ice cant hit hard at all. These new spells need drawbacks, its crazy to hit well over 1000 to all enimies with no blades and traps, infact insane. There should be harmful effects to the user from these new extriordinary spells. for example: What if the levithian spell caused the caster to take double damage on the next 2 turns? it could very well balance out the game. same for all classes they need drawbacks on their SPELLS.There needs to be strategy not kill kill kill, it makes the game too easy. for all those who think im insane, think about everybody's spells and compare them all.

You must be an Ice wizard. It is usually Ice that seems to think the game is too easy.

It takes strategy to kill, kill, kill. I have wizards in all but Ice, and I don't think it is that easy. Even my Legendaries die trying to duel a boss. A lot of the players have figured out a strategy that works for them. But they have died a lot trying to get that strategy so that it does work.

As for adding drawbacks to those spells? Do you have any idea how hard the wizards work to get their new spells? Do you really think they would be happy to get a new spell just to have it BACKFIRE on them? NOT LIKELY. Insane Bolt is one of those spells that can backfire, and I don't think there are many that use it just for that reason. Infact, I have seen posts from players wanting it changed. I know that when my Storm wizard gets it, I won't be loading it with it's current abilities to backfire. My wizards take enough damage as it is from the bosses and mobs.

And to some extent, it does not matter if some of the areas are a little easy. This is a family game and there are a lot of young kids that play. If they start taking damage from one of their own spells, there will be a lot more posts showing up to get those spells changed to stop that.

As for comparing the schools, Storm is the one that gets PICKED ON the most. The schools are fairly well balanced as it is. Occasionally, there will be posts regarding some of the spells from another school, but not like those of Storm. I for one think everyone needs to friend a storm wizard and then tackle some of the more CHALLENGING dungeons, such as WaterWorks, and Helephant tower.

I have a few storm wizards friends (lvl 60 or above) on a couple of my wizards and I know they have worked very hard to get their strategy to work very well. One of my friends in particular, who is a level 70 now, I would not hesitate to run any dungeon with and have run WaterWorks with several times.

If you are only running one school, I would suggest you try running the others as well. I really don't think you would like to have your spells kicking you in the face when you really need to have that spell do as much damage to the boss as possible. And ESPECIALLY if you do any SOLO.

It takes strategy to be able to defeat those soloed bosses. Even more so if you can't afford to hire decent henchmen to help you out. You will die a few times until you get your deck constructed to your advantage. I know, because I had to solo a boss for a spell recently without the benefit of henchmen. Needless to say, my wizard died 4 time before I got my deck to the point that I finally beat him with only 164 health remaining. IF my last spell had not taken him out, I would have died again.