I think a lot of you are missing the point. I have had a lot of people lately jumping into my battles and then not battling at all. Whether you are close to being defeated or not this is annoying. I have no objections to a person comming into a battle with me if they are going to try and defeat the monster or boss but if they are just going to stand there and pass or they and their friends are not going to help me in any way then just stay out of my way. Don't get me wrong, I don't even mind if you just want to jump in to gain the experience or money or drops, but even if that is all you want what is wrong when you see the other player is in trouble because of your actions then at least help them out don't just kill the monster and let them have to start all over because you couldn't spare a healing spell for them. I always keep a treasure card or two available to heal my battle partners even the ones that I didn't plan on. So quit doggin the guy for expressing his opinion, expecially when most of you have had the same thing happen to you. The only thing I can figure out is that the ones jumping all over him are guilty of this all for me type of play. :x
Yea, my little sister and I where in unicorn way on our newbie characters farming the fairy queen, when suddenly we noticed this one person kept "stalking" us, he wouldnt join any battles besides ours, and all he would do in the battles is pass, and pass, and pass, I was on a myth character, and my sister was on her life, so my sister was nice enough to heal him as well, but he didnt leave, he HAD text chat, but when we asked him to please attack or do something instead of pass, he would stay quiet and keep passing, it was so aggrivating that we had to leave our perfect realm that we where in (By perfect I mean there was almost nobody there, and the fairy queen spawned within seconds of killing her) There should be a way that you can make it so that you get a notice saying that someone wishes to join your battle and you have "Allow" Or "Dont allow" Buttons, and like the timer stops counting down when someone tries to join, it would make the game so much better.
I posted this request the other day In Ravenwood Commons, evidently it was the wrong forum for this request, so I am reposting it here---sorry.
----------------I have a request for the makers for Wizard101.------------------- Would you please develop an option to allow or disallow other players from jumping into your battles. I am sure there are a lot of players besides me that are tired of having other players just jump into their battles (thinking they're helping-not to mention experience stealers that just stand there and do nothing). I have had many instances where I am about to die or am struggling and someone(sometimes more than one) just jumps in causing me to die because they've dragged more monsters into the battle. I generally battle solo and my wizards and/or decks are not set up to help other players. Battle joiners make a successful outcome near impossible. An option to allow players to deny entrance into the battle would greatly help. I am not opposed to others joining me, but as most do not have the common courtesy to ask you first, this idea would be of great help. We have the option to turn off friend and group requests, so a battle request option is not unreasonable.
A side note to those that do ask before jumping in- Thank You for your courtesy and consideration.
Do you complain when someone joins your fight and kills not only the extra monsters that they pulled into the fight but the others as well as you still get credit and drops for the kill?
When I enter a fight I firstly and as quickly as possible kill the monster I dragged in then toss in supporting spells on the other targets or just outright kill them also..
You know I have been known to complain to the people who have joined in and done that. However, it isn't the same thing, and most of the time unless the battle was almost over at the time, I just tell them thanks. I also tend to kill the boss or the stronger of the monsters first and heal the other player if I can. And if you want to join a battle do you ask first or just run in? Sometimes, I do accidently get pulled into a battle because either I am too close to the edge of the safe area or because I am just not paying attention at the time, but I usually say I am sorry and start at least building a trap from the start of the time I get pulled in. I don't do much talking unless the other person is interested in talking to me, then I talk a little too much, but for the most part I am like the rest of you and keep to myself and fight my own battles. The only exception to that is if someone I know is on the game and playing at the same place I am, then we make a plan and play that way, with one of us throwing damage spells, one throwing protective spells and one life spells. It works well for us, although we haven't made it throught Kinsington Park in MB yet, but that is because my friends haven't been playing for awhile, and I have no life so that is all I do, which is why I have so many characters
Anyway, all we want is a little consideration and if the other players don't want to be considerate then it would be nice if Kingsiles would include a button to allow us to exclude these inconsiderate jumpers from coming in and getting credit for our work. I know when I first started playing, if you didn't at least through one spell you didn't get any experience that is why it took me so long to get my grandmaster because I would play things like the Kraken many times, and sometimes be the third or fourth in the battle. But, when the first two killed it before I could throw a spell I would get drops but no money or experience, the least they could do is go back to that.
I am so sick of people jumping into my battles on Dragonspyre and just standing there. I'm a 51st level grandmaster, and these people often jump in at the very last moment to claim experience from MY hard fought battle! I VERY strongly believe that a lockout button needs to be installed so this stops happening. Either they should have the courtesy to ASK to join the battle, (Which these types NEVER do) or you should have the option to lock out or eject them from the battle. They just hang around and wait til you're almost finished, jump in, drag in another monster and then keep PASSING! This problem is making the game so much less fun for me than than it used to be. I truly think this idea should be taken under serious consideration.