I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but I thought I would post about it, just in case. As many of you are aware, I am a big pet trainer/hatcher in Wizard. I spend the bulk of my game time in that area, with my own pets, or helping others with theirs. For about the last year, I have noticed something peculiar when hatching. A egg from the parents will have a random stat that is lower than both! This doesn't always happen, and I would classify it as rare, but several times (5) during the current year, it has happened to me. I will illustrate today's example: I hatched my Hunters Hound(Death), with a Lava Spider(Fire). The hound had a power of 244, and the spider's was 237. Upon the egg hatching, the new Lava Spider had a power of 197! Until about a year ago, I had never seen this before. I questioned a few friends, and some pet guild leaders, and they expressed the same sentiment of never hearing/seeing this either. Fast forward to now, and it is still happening. Is this a glitch perhaps? Has KI made adjustments to the hatching equation we are not aware of? Am I simply wrong about this, and it has always happened? Has anyone else experienced this, or perhaps knows the answer? I would be greatly interested in some feedback. Thanks.
*** I am not perfect, or even close for that matter. I realize that I may have made a mistake in the hatching process before with wrong pet, etc. This is the fifth occurrence of this since January though, and I doubt I have flawed so many. I keep meticulous records on each hatch, and check repeatedly the screen information, and recording data of each pet concerned, before I do the hatch. So while human error is always a possibility, the information, and fail-safes I use would indicate a low probability of this.***
Ugh. I haven't noticed this on my pets, but I have heard some similar complaints from others in my pet guild. I will try to find out some more about this from them, and post the results.
I've never had that happen, and the few times I've seen it reported it's turned out to be either misidentification of a parent or egg, or a stat-boosting talent that was overlooked.
Might the parent Lava Spider have Eager as an expressed talent? A natural stat of 197 power would appear as 237 with Eager or Vigorous. The baby would get the natural stat, not the boosted value. Eager is on the first gen Lava Spider, so it's a likely bet.
Apologies in advance if you've already checked for that, but it's the most likely explanation I can think of.
I did the exact same hatch tonight, and carefully monitored everything, and when the new pet was hatched, it once again had a power of 197, which is significantly lower than both parents. I am anxiously awaiting to see if anyone else has experienced this.
I've never had that happen, and the few times I've seen it reported it's turned out to be either misidentification of a parent or egg, or a stat-boosting talent that was overlooked.
Might the parent Lava Spider have Eager as an expressed talent? A natural stat of 197 power would appear as 237 with Eager or Vigorous. The baby would get the natural stat, not the boosted value. Eager is on the first gen Lava Spider, so it's a likely bet.
Apologies in advance if you've already checked for that, but it's the most likely explanation I can think of.
That is an excellent point that you and Dune327 pointed out, and yes I have been guilty of that mistake in the past, but this time, the parent pet spider was an adult with Death Dealer and Pain Giver manifested, and the hound was a mega pet with all damages manifested (Death Dealer, Giver, and Boon, Pain Giver, and Bringer)
Did either parent have selfish stats or pet jewels? Stats raised by those don't count when hatching.
The mega pet had a death accuracy jewel in it, but that is all. No jewel on the adult, as that is too low for jewels anyway. Though I did wonder if the jewel was the cause of a possible glitch? I am leaning toward a "glitch" scenario so far, since the offspring both times had the exact same power number, while the other stats varied on the two. I deleted the first pet, but have trained the last one to adult, hatched it again, and trained it to ancient, and the stats are raising normally again. The only problem seems to be in the initial hatch, after that, everything reverts to normal.