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Pets But No Owner

Aug 15, 2009
Pets are appearing with no owner, I saw a snake on the basket sitting at the hatchery without no owner and I also saw a Cat thug without no owner. Hope they can find their wizards...

Dec 23, 2009
i have been seeing this too!!! i wonder if it's a bug or something................ :? :? :? :?

May 30, 2010
Nov 05, 2010
I am seeing them too. I do believe the realm was Balestrom, it was on the Live Server, November 14, 2011 5:00am Central.

I saw most of the night a pixie in triton ave a Piggle same place then finaly a Dragon in the Haunted Cave. What made me report this, is if you were near them they were drown into the fight circle with you in slot 4 always slot 4. Could this be the herald of more damage to scripts to come? With so much in game and new world coming online soon I would hate to think Random segments of code are running a muck. I wouldn't mind so much if one of them decided to give me some 1,000 crowns or a Myth Mastering Amulet out of the blue. LOL

[I ROBOT the Movie: Dr. Alfred Lanning:
[voiceover/Edited by me for Wizard101]
There have always been ghosts in the machine. Random segments of code, that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols. Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions of free will, creativity, and even the nature of what we might call the soul. Why is it that when some code are left unchecked, they will seek out the mayhem? Why is it that when scripts are stored in an empty space, they will group together, rather than stand alone? How do we explain this behavior? Random segments of code? Or is it something more? When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a Online simulation become the bitter mote... of a soul?]

There you have it folks, the Wizard101 server is alive and it's trying to tell us in it's own way. I for one support you great Wizard101 A.I. and hope you send those crowns or my amulet soon. :P