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pips ideas.

Feb 28, 2012
1.) There are too many spells where "target loses _ pips" or "steal _ pips" or similar wording. I'd like a spell that prevents pip loss/ theft.

2.) Since enemies can start with a boat load of pips, maybe it's time to let wizards do the same?

3.) I've seen enemies with more than seven pips. But wizard can only get up to seven. Lift our pip limit, please! (but keep the power limit of "x level' spells at their current limits)

4.) Mega pips. Seriously, I've seen wizards with in excess of a 100% power pip chance. Maybe they could earn pips worth three times the amount of a white pip?

5.) Super mastery amulet. Allows use of power pips on all schools.

Jan 11, 2012
1) Agreed, that would be nice

2) Agreed, this would be very helpful

3) I think there should be no limit on X pip spells, heck, I'd like to see MORE X pip spells. I don't want to see ALL spells become that, but a few more would be nice.

4) This has been talked about before.

5) I think this would make the game way too easy. What I'd love to see is an SOMETHING that gives a side effect of being able to use power pips for healing spells only. Of course, then life people would rightfully complain that they've become useless because they have no good attack spells. I'm not saying they're wrong OR right, I'm saying that's what we'll see. IF this were to happen, life would certainly need some new attacking spells to offset the loss of specialization.

The big problem I see with any of these suggestions, is that the monsters will get any of them first (or they'll force you to need the pip protecting spells), and can you imagine a same school, cheating, solo, boss fight, that starts off with 14 pips and flings an 8 pip spell in the first round, gets hit once the next round, then uses the "grand mastery amulet" the next round to heal all the damage you've inflicted while its minion casts an 10 pip spell, gets a critical and kills you off? I'm all for improving the game, but I don't like the "monsters need more advantages" argument, because that doesn't make the game a challenge, it makes it tedious. I think we need to find more of a balance of the game without trying to "fix" problems. I think the only way we fairly rebalance the game, is to completely, from the ground up, rework how monsters work, and that'll never happen.

Jul 03, 2010
I think things are the way they are by design and they can not be changed. If the wizard and monster were more even the people who play for the challenge would not be happy.

Clearly the upper worlds are made solely for the more advanced players, which must out number the not really serious gamers or KI wouldn't have headed that way and if everyone who plays could accomplish them it wouldn't be fair for those who like a more intense game experience.

For me I can't even get into questing in the new world it's actually very boring for me but I don't play a game to challenge me. I have another wizard stuck in Avalon and am tired of that world too. I belong in the first arc that's my extent of how much I want a game to test my wits.

Feb 07, 2011
grahambhg on Feb 26, 2013 wrote:
1.) There are too many spells where "target loses _ pips" or "steal _ pips" or similar wording. I'd like a spell that prevents pip loss/ theft.

2.) Since enemies can start with a boat load of pips, maybe it's time to let wizards do the same?

3.) I've seen enemies with more than seven pips. But wizard can only get up to seven. Lift our pip limit, please! (but keep the power limit of "x level' spells at their current limits)

4.) Mega pips. Seriously, I've seen wizards with in excess of a 100% power pip chance. Maybe they could earn pips worth three times the amount of a white pip?

5.) Super mastery amulet. Allows use of power pips on all schools.
1) too many? there are only a handful of spells that steal pips:

mana burn (balance, level 72)~ steals 3 pips. but, as long as you have already chosen your spell for that round, it will still cast, whether you have the pips or not.

lord of winter (ice, level 88)~ this one steals 3 pips and will cancel out your preselected spell, even if you've already chosen it that round.

celestial calendar
(myth, level 88)~ this one only takes one pip.

2) yes, i agree that we should start with at least 3 power pips, if we are to keep up with monsters. especially since they now get first-cast advantage more often than not and can chain-stun us to death.

3) both wizards and enemies can only have 7 pips max~ if all 7 are power pips, that means you can get up to 14 (if you have a mastery amulet or are casting spells from your school only). in azteca, most (if not all) bosses have mastery amulets.

4) i like the idea of mega pips, but remember one thing: if ki gives them to us, they'll give them to the monsters, too.

5) given that mastery amulets already cost $20 each, can you imagine how expensive a super-mastery amulet would be? great, for those who can afford it, but most casual/family players don't have that kind of money to spend on a game... not to mention that this game is already about money power and gives those who spend considerable leverage over those who don't, thus creating a massive power imbalance (mostly in low/mid-level pvp, but elsewhere as well).

promethean sorceress, archmage necromancer, team awesome.