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Please Fix The Black Palace Dungeon.

Apr 10, 2011
My friend and I have been attempting to finish the Black Palace. After the fight with Rasik, my friend went and destroyed the stone and i got pulled into an empty combat ring. I was stuck there with no way out. My friend ran back, joined the fight and then the fight ended after the first round...(even though it was still empty).

We decided to carry on and went on to the next fight, but yet again i got pulled into an empty combat ring. I quit the game, changed realms from Ambrose to Blossom and decided to start again....my friend came out as well ( we did this a couple of times ). Starting again was pointless. It kept happening, no matter what realm we were in. We decided that since we were in the same dungeon, if i continued then she could get the credit as well. So I finished off Tim-Tim Snake-eye and it ended up being a complete waste of time. Not only did she not get credit, the dungeon reset itself and she was still stuck in an empty combat ring.

This is very frustrating. Please fix it. As I've read its been a week since the last time this problem was reported....seeing as there was no reply to the last report I started in another topic in hopes you get the message.

Aug 02, 2012

It's already fixed.
Check the updates for november 2012.

Players will not get stuck in an empty combat signl after defeating
Rasik pridefall.