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Please help major bug!

Sep 28, 2010
Ok so i was polymorphing during a battle right and i polymorphed right after someone killed the last enemy and when it went back and i walked away i had more than health than like i normaly do i polymorphed into a treant and then back after the battle ended i had 3000 thousand health i normaly have 2800 something and i have too log of and back on too fix it or get in a battle and its gets very annoying :x and i have asked other people and they are saying they are having the same problem with other polymorphs too this is really ruining the fun now this is not a good thing like i said when i go back into battle i get my normal health again so that is not extra health but i hope this bug will be crushed in one of these updates that keep on coming please heLP! second bug i have another one ok this is short but sometimes when i look at my friends stats hunter ghost blood he has none but he has all this gear that gives it head dress of dragon fire volatile vestment cant remember shoes i have the same gear too i just cant stand these bugs anymore someone please reply i am begging you mr. prospector lee please reply too this and tell me whats going on or if its going too be fixed please sir.

We have the tech support you need, but we need more information from you!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding game or account matters, please send an email to: support@wizard101.com.
Before you submit a ticket, make sure that the email address associated with your Wizard101 account is valid and that you can check email at that address!

Please send us:
->the account name
->the character name
->as much information about what you encountered as you can
->where possible, your DxDiag file (see below)
NEVER send us:
->your password
->your credit card information
The more information you give up front, the faster your ticket can be resolved.

What is a DxDiag?
A DxDiag is a utility designed to display the specifications of the user's hardware, as well as to test DirectX software, including sound and video. If you are asked for this information in an email, it helps the support group relate your gaming issue to your personal computer.

To create a dxdiag.txt just go to Start -> Run (or Search in Vista) and enter dxdiag and click OK. Once the program has run its course, click "Save all Information" and it will output a txt file that you can attach to your email.

Tickets can take up to 48 hours to receive a response and duplicate tickets can slow the whole process down.
