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Please make quests delete able

Sep 03, 2009
It unhealthily stresses me out that there is a quest in my journal knowing I can't get rid of it because it's an impossible fishing quest. Please I beg you remove it from my journal!

Dec 09, 2008
zachshock on Dec 13, 2018 wrote:
It unhealthily stresses me out that there is a quest in my journal knowing I can't get rid of it because it's an impossible fishing quest. Please I beg you remove it from my journal!
Hi Zachshack! We may add a feature that allows you to remove quests, we're currently looking into the possibility.

Sep 30, 2018
There is a way to prevent this from happening. You can decline the quest as long as it's not the story main quest. No quest is impossible.arrivederci

Aug 03, 2014
That's brilliant news Sparck! I hope this is added

To Zachshock,

If having that fishing quest in your book is stressing you out too much to wait for an update, maybe you might like to have help finishing it? Unfortunately fishing isn't something anyone else can do for you, but I've got 9 fishing wizards who have done all the fishing quests and caught all the fish in game each...so I could chum you to the different areas and show you where the fish can be caught. I'll let you know the school and help you buy the spells to make it easier. If it's frustrating we can complain about the bad fishes and joke about it together instead of on your own

If you'd like someone to share the journey with you and guide you through it just let me know which quest it is and when you're available to meet in game (allow time for moderation and remember to give me your time zone too so I can work out the right time where I am).

If you don't have chat in game or don't want to meet I can still give you some tips if you let me know which fishing quest it is

Just because you have to do it, doesn't mean you have to face it completely alone

Dec 23, 2014
I'd love this feature! The revered crafting quest has been in my ice and death wizards' quest logs for about a year since i never really felt like doing them.