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Prepaid cards

Jun 23, 2010
Sorry, I haven't posted here before and I'm not totally sure that this is the place to post this.

I was just wondering about the prepaid game cards. I've bought just about all of the ones in my area. I got a double of one. I used it in a different month than my first one of that kind. The pet had a different name, but looked exactly the same. I love buying these, but do you ever change the pet to something totally different? Not just the same pet with a new name?

Blaze Dragonrider

The pet you get with a prepaid card will always LOOK the same as it does on the front of the card, however the spells it grants and its powers will vary from month to month. You can see exactly what pet you will get by visiting this page: https://www.wizard101.com/game/prepaid-card

Jun 23, 2010
Thank you!

Most of my pets just sit in my house and look cute, so it's not so much the abilities I look for in a pet.

But do the images on the cards ever change? Like, 6 months from now it'll look completely different?

(Sorry to keep asking things!)

Blaze Dragonrider

shalbow wrote:

But do the images on the cards ever change? Like, 6 months from now it'll look completely different?

No. The looks of the pet as they are printed on the cards will not change.

Jun 23, 2010