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Problem With my Jade Oni.

Jul 09, 2009
I have a Problem with my Jade Oni it's Balance and has a Myth Talent.

I wanted to know Why it Gives myth-giver and if you can fix it, As I have Heard this pet is not supposed, to Get them Talents.

And it's supposed to Give Balance Talents I have put off Raising it Higher then Teen Because it's worthless to my Balance.

This Pet is on my Death, as my Death has the most Snacks, So could you Fix my Problem?

Mar 13, 2010
This happened to me also. I was very disappointed, especially since I had paid crowns for that pet for my Balance wizard.

I posted about this a couple of months ago but never learned anything. :(

May 20, 2010
It's not broken. The talent is supposed to be Myth Giver. It should already be giving you a Jade Oni card, which provides from 430-510 Balance damage, with 75% accuracy.

See the Jade Oni Pet page at the Wizard101 Wikia. Here's the link:


Jan 21, 2010
I dissagree. There was a post about pets learning talants that match their type from now on. If you will submit a 1:1 bug report to the help and support folks, they will give you an answer in a few days. I had two earth walkers that knew myth giver the help and support people fixed it for me.
In the 1:1 work sheet be sure to list your login name, the name of the wizard who has the pet, the name and (race?) of your pet, and tell them the problem.
You will get a confermation email, they will email your 1:1 message to you. That email is just to let you know that they got your 1:1. I responded to it and they told me that I didn't have to respond to that email. A few days after that they will send you another email and it will tell you that they fixed the problem or that it wasn't a bug. Feel free to say thank you, or ask questions.

If it turns out that Jade oni is supposed to learn myth giver, at least you will have an official answer. If I am right, well, yay!

Apr 02, 2010
Other lame pets exist; for instance the Fire Salamander has fire talents but gives a Myth card.

But ouch! on a Crown item!

And pity the poor kid that gets a gift card that gives pet that gives Storm Prism. Only a storm character, or a tricky Myth character, could get much use out of it.

Jan 21, 2010
I am not talking about the pet's card matching it's type. I am talking about a pet's talents matching it's type. Brown spider is a death pet with a life card. Brown spider still learns death talents though.

Jan 04, 2011
That would be disappointing... I got a Jade Oni pet too. Is this issue fixed by now?

It's a Crown Pet, why would they make it a disappointment to people? Not only does the Card itself suck (Storm accuracy with Balance Damage?), but it doesn't match the school it's from. I really hope this gets fixed because I can already see a lot of kids being disappointed by it.

Nov 06, 2010
Balance doesn't have many pet choices from what I can see. It is a weakness for balance wizards.

It is also a point that is forgotten when everyone explains how powerful balance is, which I don't buy.