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Problems from maintenance. Sounding off.

Jan 17, 2010
Just sounding off here. Seems to me like since the all powerful maintenance for some log in latency there have been several much worse problems introduced.

Now in game I am getting tons of intermittent graphic glitches across the board. When casting spells especially. Also now in arena I'm getting a nasty lag while joining games that causes you to miss the first spell cast. Has happened several times now. There have been other bizarre things happening here and there that are pure game glitches.

I don't see how working on servers to reduce log in problems should cause this, but these are issues I did not have before and have come up since the Extended maintenance that has done absolutely nothing for load times at all. I see no enhancement to gameplay, just more lovely bugs introduced. And many many others are sharing the same experiences. Congrats on another epic fail.

And I'm still totally burnt up about the horrible stats and single card on the celestial blade -.- Crowns will no longer be purchased by me, and I have bought tons since joining. Also unless Celestia is the absolute best thing since sliced bread, I won't be renewing my sub either... How can you take such a solid product and go consistently from bad to worse?

Jun 07, 2010
You are not the only one that has been having game issues after the extended maitenance. I to had been experiencing game glitches, kind of like artifacting. To the point that I had to, ctrl, alt, delete and restart w101. I also thought my Graphics card went, that I had to log on one of my more difficult better graphic bigger MMORPG's, to check if I had fried my Graphic card or not. Luckly I didn't.

Mar 09, 2009
Since the update, I have seen 0 (that is zero) problems logging in or playing from any of my 3 accounts.
I'm not quite sure of the network architecture they use for their servers, but perhaps changing to a different realm (read: server) help?

Rogan Firehammer

Jul 05, 2009
Since the recent maintenance.. I have not seen any problems with lag - however I have noticed a graphical bug happening when I enter the Cave of Solitude area..

Sometimes, usually after prolong playing in the area, cards will start to appear as borders or simply white blank rectangles - eventually disappearing altogether while the screen gets a bit glitchy.. restarting is the only way to solve the problem.

Please note I've NEVER had this problem before the maintenance, ever.

Jun 14, 2010
I haven't had any connection issues before the maintenance, but suddenly I'm having very frequent lag, rubber-banding, NPCs failing to load, and every now and then I'll have the network issues icon (the chain thing) pop up, only to reload the screen and I'll be unable to move.

Anyone else having these issues?

Jan 23, 2009
To the first person who posted this, after the major updates it normally takes a while for KI to work out the bugs, programming is a science but many things can go wrong in the script.

To the rest of you who have had no problems, SO WHAT no one ?

I hate it that every time someone posts an issue here on this board TALKING DIRECTLY TO KI someone else feels the need to say that they haven't had that experience and ALL IS GOOD because they haven't had a problem. Spare me! If you haven't had trouble then it is more likely you have NOTHING to say, so save yourself the time and dont say it.

You do NOT have to offer the other side this message board isn't debate class (club) its mostly about learning from each other and communicating with the company. Since they have no real phone number to reach the company.

No one likes to be shut down I wish people stop rushing to shut down a post simply because it is NOT their experience. This post IS important to someone and BELIEVE ME they pay too and have a right to want to play without obstruction. Whether or not YOU experienced it or not.

It almost seems like KI employees come on to these boards to give a "HOUSE" opinion that only seeks to dilute the original problems. I dont think that is the case, I think the case is WIZ 101 diehards feel compelled to defend the game.

That's fine if you want to tell KI how great it is START YOUR OWN POST and stop hyjacking other's.

Jun 07, 2010
Sojourna wrote:
To the first person who posted this, after the major updates it normally takes a while for KI to work out the bugs, programming is a science but many things can go wrong in the script.

To the rest of you who have had no problems, SO WHAT no one ?

I hate it that every time someone posts an issue here on this board TALKING DIRECTLY TO KI someone else feels the need to say that they haven't had that experience and ALL IS GOOD because they haven't had a problem. Spare me! If you haven't had trouble then it is more likely you have NOTHING to say, so save yourself the time and dont say it.

You do NOT have to offer the other side this message board isn't debate class (club) its mostly about learning from each other and communicating with the company. Since they have no real phone number to reach the company.

No one likes to be shut down I wish people stop rushing to shut down a post simply because it is NOT their experience. This post IS important to someone and BELIEVE ME they pay too and have a right to want to play without obstruction. Whether or not YOU experienced it or not.

It almost seems like KI employees come on to these boards to give a "HOUSE" opinion that only seeks to dilute the original problems. I dont think that is the case, I think the case is WIZ 101 diehards feel compelled to defend the game.

That's fine if you want to tell KI how great it is START YOUR OWN POST and stop hyjacking other's.

Bravo! Well said, I can't stand people who jump in post of the total opposite of this dispute. If you people are not having issues, then why post, and say you are not having problems? A thread is for a discussion of other people that may be experiencing the same issues or more of someone else.

If people are experiencing the same problems, then it may be Wizard 101, and not the users, so KI can take action, and see what they can do to fix their end.

Anyways back on topic:

As I read some more post I also get that rubber banding happening once and awhile, and I also atleast once everyday I get the Chain icon pop up in my bottom right of my game, showing that its broke, and the game would also reset the Duel I am in (usually happens to me in the middle of creature duels)

And I can see the game, I can here the battle music, but there is no animations, and my Wizard is just standing on his circle, and I am unable to do anything except/ CTRL-ALT-DELETE and hope I am still alive when my game restarts.

Aug 15, 2009
Sojourna, when someone posts they dont have a problem while others do then it can give KI an option to check into their accounts and stuff to see what went right to better get an idea of what to do for others. I personally dont do that cause KI can get into anyones accounts status and connections any time.
As per avoiding a "debate" technical issues that a person wants KI to handle without the good intentions of others is best sent directly to technical support. Especially since any post on the message boards is going to get plenty of the "i am not having problems with that" responses.

Aug 01, 2009
after they did maintenance my other computer that worked fine, no longer will run the game. something to do with my virus protection. they changed something on the game, because I changed nothing, and all the problems came after that. i have to use another computer now just to play.

Jun 07, 2010
I too have had trouble with the horrible disconnect, as much as 3 times in 10 minutes, and I can no longer do a dungeon or anything hardly untill this issue is resolved. I would like to reach my next level but i can't because of this issue. I have tried everything, uninstall and the whole 9 yards. Even checked with my IP and got a new modem just in case, but no issues. I hope they plan on extending my sub for this, as it has been a week of being stuck in the same spot. But i do believe it may be a problem with a interaction with another program as well, as I run Vista still, and my real life friend that got me started here runs Windows 7 on a lap top, and she said she has had no problem, anymore than her ususal anyways. I only brought up the possibility because Silverlights new update had a problem with another program i installed, even though they had nothing to do with each other.

Mar 09, 2009
I run the game on 2 and sometimes 3 computers from my house at the same time. We had an instance about a week ago where one of the computers was getting disconnected, while the other one was fine.
Doing a bit of research showed that the computer that was disconnecting from the game had a virus on it, and every 15 minutes or so it was trying to spam emails to everyone in the world. This in fact took up all the bandwidth of the connection from the computer to my router, causing a disconnect to Wizard101.
My router is smart enough to block this type of traffic, so it didn't affect my connection. After cleaning the computer with anti-virus and anti-malware programs, my kids are happy campers again.

Rogan Firehammer