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pulled of the sidewalk!

Nov 30, 2010
as we all know getting pulled of the sidewalk in sunken city is really common but i've noticced in every world except wc ms and ds (because they have a visible sidewalk) that you can get pulled into battle VERY easily like in ds you in the tower of archives how you have to collect keys to unlock crystals well when i was going to unlock one crystal; at the top of the tower there was a battle going on so i just walked by, but right after i put the crystal in and unlocked it i get pulled ALL ACROSS THE MAP into another one of those towers because i was to close if this happened to you comment about it so maybe we can extend the sidewalk borders (mainly on corners)

Jacob StormCrafter lvl 44 diviner

May 20, 2010
Not all of the enemies stay on the streets. Mooshu is especially notorious for enemies who wander off of the roads. The wizard has to keep on his/her toes.