Hello, so I have been in a lot of 4v4 pvp lately. I put wards to defend myself but it always gives it to the person on my left? And so i'm like, okay so if it moves to the left, i'll just give it to the person to my right, but no, it just gives it to that player and doesn't move to mine. This has happened like 5 times in a row or something and i'm really frustrated because I would really like to defend myself. Am I the only one and/or am I just unlucky to receive this glitch repeatedly? Thanks if you answer my question lmao
Sometimes target selection can be glitchy. It's hard to pin it on a particular culprit, but some screen resolutions may make the glitch more likely.
Try clicking the target's name plate, rather than the player's avatar. That usually works for me.
Make sure to double check what duel circle symbol is targeted before you confirm that as your final move.
If you click the player in the first position, that's , so there should be a dagger icon in your spell icon bubble. If that symbol doesn't match up with what you selected, then you're about to glitch.
The developers still have not fixed the "flee glitch," which scrambles your targets after a person flees. So, if a person flees, make sure that you select a target upstream/counterclockwise from the one you intend to use, or else you will either skip your turn or put the spell on the wrong target.