Ok, recently I have been getting into PvP with my LvL. 65 Myth. So far 8 wins and 0 Losses. Which is great. The only problem is, I have been winning when I shouldn't have. I have been experiencing some sort of glitch where my opponent losses even though they have just barely survived a hit. This has happened three times so far. And it has only been on my Myth wizard. It happens whenever I find myself spamming hits trying to defeat the opponent only for them to barely survive and heal it off the same round. When I hit them, they barely survive. Then a few seconds pass and it shows the results screen. I end up winning the match even when the match is still supposed to be going. I don't know what is going on, but my best guess is that I am supposed to be dealing more damage than the screen is saying. Any help on this matter would be appreciated. Just so you know, I am pretty sure I still could have won all three of those matches even if the game had kept going.
It could just be that they quit because they figure they are gonna lose, which forfeits the match and you win.
Nope, that's not it at all. At the end of the match they are still sitting there. Every time the y lose they rage because they don't know what happened. How did they lose when they survived is what they ask.
This is due to an error in calculation. Probably due to their percents on their pet for resistance being on the borderline. This could cause a display error, and this has happened to me before. Basically, your hit killed them, but their pet's resist was miscalculated due the resist percentage being so close to the next percent up. Unlikely to happen multiple times in a row, but it is possible.