Hello all! So I consistently have a problem that occurs when I click on a player and check their stats and info. Everything looks fine except for 2 things that consistently glitch. The first of which would be looking at the pvp info of someones character info, which tells the pvp rank, wins losses, pet derby rank, and pet derby wins losses. I'd say about 70% of the time I check someone else's information here it is blank on 3 of the sections, and on pet derby it says 99999999. The second thing I noticed is that when looking at the other persons pet stats on their equipment screen, if you hover the mouse over the pet slot, it shows the pet, but about 50% of the time it shows the pet as a baby with al stats at zero and you can't see any of the pet talents even though its actually a epic or mega level pet. Does this bug happen to everyone or just me? Thanks! -Adam
I'm not sure why they did it, but a few years ago they made it so you can only see a person's PvP stats if you are in the same area and same realm as the wizard whose stats you are checking out.
Regarding the pet bug, it has been around since the beginning of the game. Sometimes you can see the pets stats, and sometimes it shows the pet as a baby. I have no idea why they cannot fix this bug. It's particularly frustrating when your friend is trying to show you various pets they have that you might want to hatch with.