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PvP Pass

Mar 29, 2012
Yesterday I purchased a pvp pass with crowns. This has happened twice now, after entering the queue. I port to the commons and the pop up to go to the ranked match shows up. At the same time, a window is super imposed over the match acceptance window that says "are you sure you want to pay for a ranked match". Also, my entire crowns balance is listed as the price. The timer in the upper right hand clearly shows that I still have time left on my pass, but I dont want to risk losing all those crowns. So, I choose no, I do not want to purchase a ranked match (that I already paid for). This causes me to "flee" or decline the match, which affects my rank and also makes me lose valuable time that i actually paid for on my day pass as a penalty for declining the match. This Just happened before posting here, on my low level balance, if you want to look into it. Please fix it. Thats super unfair and disheartening. Amber