The quest titled, "A Chain of Ice and Fire," you are supposed to take the transporter to Outer Athanor. However, during my purchase of the area (I individually crown-purchase each area I go to), something glitched and the transporter is now gone. I am unable to get to Outer Anthanor via conventional means, thereby it is completely game halting.
The reason I need to update this ticket is because I found an unconventional method of having a friend "port" me to the area, but I still need the fix-it dev to understand it is STILL broken. If I cannot find someone to port me to Outher Athanor, I am still completely glitched out.
The quest titled, "A Chain of Ice and Fire," you are supposed to take the transporter to Outer Athanor. However, during my purchase of the area (I individually crown-purchase each area I go to), something glitched and the transporter is now gone. I am unable to get to Outer Anthanor via conventional means, thereby it is completely game halting.
The reason I need to update this ticket is because I found an unconventional method of having a friend "port" me to the area, but I still need the fix-it dev to understand it is STILL broken. If I cannot find someone to port me to Outher Athanor, I am still completely glitched out.
Greetings tclark1005,
Please respond to your support ticket with the additional information and we'll investigate. If you are stuck and need any assistance there, please also include relevant updates to the ticket for this need.