First of all, during the battle those little things tend to turn off by them selves. Second, i noticed after teleporting they point at the wrong things. Most of the time they point at the teleporter or an empty spot, or a door. But when you come to the place, all of a sudden cursor showes that you are farther from destination. Please fix that asap. It is really annoying, going through the whole map just to find out that you are no where near the place where you want to be.
I have the same exact problem. Like I have recently finished moo shoe, and i was on the soul chain quest where i had to defeat 10 waking dead. I looked at my quest helper and i followed it all the way into a room i could not enter. And I backed up a few spaces and my quest helper was stuck. I walked backwards like a mile, and the number on my quest helper was still on the same number. So i used my map. Also sometimes right when i get to the place i need, it points me back 600 numbers