Anyone knows what's wrong with the quest "To the Chimera"? It's impossible to access the button to work the bellows at Caterwaul Canyons and continue with the quest.
I got ahold of support to let them know there was a bug and couldn't finish the quest. However, they completed the quest for me I have no idea how that quest ends. Such a Bummer! all that hard work and they finished it for me. I have no Idea the story finish.
Have also run into same problem. Tried to log off and back in to see if that would fix it. no such luck. It affected a few others who were with me at same time. No one could work it.
Hello. There is a known bug with this particular quest that we will be working to fix in the near future. In the meantime, you may try switching areas/realms to see if you can find a button that hasn't recently been used by another player. Outside of this you can contact our Customer Support for more assistance until we can get the bug fixed.