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Aug 29, 2010
I had to scrub my computer and now I want to reinstall the game. I looked at some topics on re-downloading and they were old and what I have tried so far has not worked. Is there a certain download we are supposed to use. If not can you take a grannie with only basic computer knowledge how to do this. Thanks. javascript:void(0);

If you have already removed the game from your computer, re-installing it is easy! All you have to do is log into the website (www.wizard101.com) and press the big Green PLAY button at the upper left of the screen. There you will be prompted for a new download. Once downloaded, just log into the game with the same username and password you already use.

I do hope this helps!

Aug 29, 2010
Actually that is one of the things I tried and ended up with it trying to open up multiple copies of the game when I tried to play. I did try twice totally backing out to the desktop and then re-clicking the button between tries but got the same result. I totally deleted the game and the desktop icon and am redownloading (again) at this time. Please keep an eye on this thread in case of more problems. Thanks.

Aug 29, 2010
No joy. It is now telling me to delete it and reinstall it. There is no folder for Kingsisle on my computer and the recycle bin has already been emptied.

Aug 29, 2010
Aug 29, 2010
I ended up with the same overall result. When I pressed play after the game did its updates it tried to open multiple copies of itself and then errored out. I copied down the error message and here it is:
"Installation error: Direct 3D Renderer Creation error: Creation failed: Invalid 3D Device type."
Is this a problem with my computer (it was working fine before I reformatted except too slow - along with most programs. I was having an SVC Host Problems that seems to be fixed now, by the way), have I messed up somewhere in the download process or is there a problem in the download itself. (You realize of course that even being logged in I am only getting the option to download the "I have never played before option" as the other option is to click the wizard button on the Desktop.)

Mar 18, 2009
Jul 30, 2010

My computer recently lost all its data due to a virus and well it still takes a while to download once you can login. mainly because there is a lot of data contained in all these worlds