OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
Sadly Tigerstrikesgirl, there is NOTHING you can say to convince them otherwise. My nephew also stopped playing due to the fact the use of magic by his church is considered evil.
Once people get an idea in their head that deals with this sort of thing, you can seldom change their minds. To keep trying will even seem as if you are bad by trying to turn them away from their religion. Your best course of action is respect their beliefs no matter how wrong YOU think they may be.
I am truly sorry you don't have your friend to play the game with anymore.
I agree with the post above but, if you want to try something, I would ask Kingsisle to e-mail the mother/friend, explaining the dogs.
I promise you it is not devil worship. I am a devoted Catholic and our church recently talked about the game because so many kids in our Youth were takling about it. It is religiously correct.
You can even show this to your friend if you like.
I agree with the post above but, if you want to try something, I would ask Kingsisle to e-mail the mother/friend, explaining the dogs.
I promise you it is not devil worship. I am a devoted Catholic and our church recently talked about the game because so many kids in our Youth were takling about it. It is religiously correct.
You can even show this to your friend if you like.
Best Wishes, Sydney Boom
i agree and it is just a stachu of there mb frist onner . all thue i thinek u shod have put this on the mb form . marygreenbloom lvl 31 life
Well I think what they got at is either I know pagans have some kind of god that is in the form of a canine. And me being catholic and a history buff, but the pagans and christians didn't like each other at all is how i'll put it. Um other than that maybe they were thinking of the watcher statue looking like anubis he is dog looking, but anubis is egyptian god of dead. Or just they mistook it for a jackal which is a common evil kind of figure.
Some christians actually define magic as the use of the devils power. I never really understood it lol. But like stated you have to respect their religion or beliefs, but i'm sure in no way was KI trying to promote devil worshipping lol?? Idk things are really different now a days.
If Marleybonians *were* Christian (or had similar beliefs) they would *never* (I cannot stress this enough!!!) worship a statue either (a) resembling or referring to the devil, or (b) that does not represent their deity. Saint Bernard (the statue in Wolfminster Abbey) represents an important figure that is *memorialized* but NOT worshipped, just like Christian saints.
This is why video game company's try to keep religion out of VG's . It causes alot of contravercy and even a small harmless topic like this could spawn out of control to some big epidemic that could possibly ruin kingsisle.
My personal opinion is that this is just a harmless reference for the sake of amusement. It really shouldn't make much of a deal.
If Marleybonians *were* Christian (or had similar beliefs) they would *never* (I cannot stress this enough!!!) worship a statue either (a) resembling or referring to the devil, or (b) that does not represent their deity. Saint Bernard (the statue in Wolfminster Abbey) represents an important figure that is *memorialized* but NOT worshipped, just like Christian saints.
Technically, they should be Christian - because Marleybon is based on England.
If someone's church is going to take issue with worship issues, then Mooshu is the place to worry about, because you have to go talk to the moodah in order to start your quests.
And then there's the floating land in CL which, for one of the side quests, has you bow down to an idol - which is definitely an act of worship - even though the game tells you that you get no response.
And what about all the ghosts and evil undead walking around - or the fact that you can create a character that's entire focus is on causing death (death school mage).
There are plenty of things to take issue with that might be real issues. The MB dogs having a statue of one of their heroes isn't one of those.
OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
I am a Christian and I don't know what her belief is but the devil is by no means represented by a dog statue. Sorry! There is nothing you can do but try. Then it's on their mom's shoulders!
Marleybone is based on London! It even has a church wolfminister abbey! Is her mom referring to the statue os "St. Bernard" which is a play on words like the dog! They don't worship the devil in mb. That is the end of it.
OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
Tigerstrikegirl, this actually finds me quite schocked. You would think that in a modern world, that is acepting of many things, people would shun a game for the worship of a statue or the use of magic. I mean, don't people know that Wizard101 is just a game & not a big devil-worshipping cult of wizards. Hopefully this thread will chnage your friend's mind so you will have your friend back in the spiral.
Christopher JadeBlade lvl.60 Theurgist Waterworks Warrior
I hope you have made some progress with thinking about your opinion on this topic. It's very important that a person come to her/his own conclusion and not be overly swayed by another person's position. That said, I am in agreement with many wizards who have posted replies to your original message:
I strongly disagree that there are any religious overtones, allusions, or other symbolic or "hidden" messages in the game. There are broad and humorous references to many real world institutions, places, times, and people from Terran history and civilizations in Wizard101, and that's part of the fun of the game. The "Easter Eggs" threads in these forums discuss the jokes that run throughout so many facets of the game: NPC names, quest titles, portraits, statues, and places. The important thing is all of these references are jokes, meant to make a wizard laugh out loud :)
There will always be people who are narrow of vision, low in tolerance, and bound to specific sets of religious rules. That's part of life and, as a thoughtful human being, a wizard has to think of others' points of view as simply different facets of human experience. What we choose to believe, and share with others, is a purely individual decision. What we choose to reject is also a purely personal decision, one hopefully made with careful consideration for what feels authentically satisfying for the soul.
Your quandary has less to do with Wizard101 the game and more with one person's beliefs about life, the universe, and everything. Do you wish to let others define your world, or to define it for yourself?
OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
Tigerstrikegirl, this actually finds me quite schocked. You would think that in a modern world, that is acepting of many things, people would shun a game for the worship of a statue or the use of magic. I mean, don't people know that Wizard101 is just a game & not a big devil-worshipping cult of wizards. Hopefully this thread will chnage your friend's mind so you will have your friend back in the spiral.
Christopher JadeBlade lvl.60 Theurgist Waterworks Warrior
this person is right besides that was a total joke cause in a church people would would look up to saints and saint benard is an actual dog but they made it into a joke plus if dogs worship dog saints then whats wrong is not like you are.
i always thought that those statues were statues of saint hurbert (may not be his name) which in turn made me believe they were christians or something along those lines. besides: marelymone is based off of england, and wolfminister abby is based off of westminister abby, a christian church, which i am pretty sure is in england.
OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
I've Wiki'd it all, the dog statue your friend's mother is talking about is a statue of a st. benard, st. benard is a breed of dog, I honestly don't see how a statue of a dog could mean the devil.
OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
I am a Christian and I don't know what her belief is but the devil is by no means represented by a dog statue. Sorry! There is nothing you can do but try. Then it's on their mom's shoulders!
Maybe she thinks it's Black Shuck (the original Heck Hound), or some other demon dog. Those are prevalent in many cultures.
I had a friend who couldn't play W101 because her mom thought that the game lets people be witches, and since thier family was Christian, apparently magic is bad. I have no religion at all so I really don't understand this. Anyways, my friend actually thought the game was fun, so I'm sad that her family's beliefs have kept her from playing. With KI's references to worshipping things like the moodah statue, what i got from it was they are actually trying to make characters that are like real people. If you look at your friends you will probably see a few with different beliefs, but should you not be friends with someone you like being around for that? My answer would be no. Everyone is different and everyone has different beliefs, and to me, KI was representing that in the game. :D
Ps. I find the references in the game to real life things extremely funny.
the dog statue with the candles in my mind is just a sign of great respect, not worship. But religion is a tricky subject. everyone has a different veiwpoint. But as long as YOU arent worshipping the dog, i wouldnt see how your mother would have an issue with it.
\if your parent has a problem with the game then talk to the pastor and tell him and let him see explain you know there is only one god and who that god and way is. then explain this is the dog world nothing more than make believe and some people play alot worse games. then show him some worse games.
this game has a messiah theme... you are out to save the world with the abiliies granted to you to use.
Jesus use magic it looked like when he preformed miracles.
it is all a point of perspective...
then if the pastor agrees you know the truth let him talk with mother
the dog statue with the candles in my mind is just a sign of great respect, not worship. But religion is a tricky subject. everyone has a different veiwpoint. But as long as YOU arent worshipping the dog, i wouldnt see how your mother would have an issue with it.
its not her mom she said it was her friends mom that said her friend couldnt play wizard101 anymore
also to the person that posted this forum i am sry your friend cant play anymore but if ya say anything tell her mom that the statue is of a hero in marleybone and thats all.
i dont get why she would say that over a statue of a dog that is a hero to the marlybonians. besides that the saint brenard is a rescue dog, in other words a hero in real life, so thats why the statue is there in honor of the dogs that rescue people from the snow.
OK so today i was talking to my friend on the phone, i asked why she hadnt been on in a while and she said. "i am not aloud to play anymore my mom told me that the dogs in mb worship this dog statue and that statue means "the devil"". so what is this??! come on there has to be a reason i really want my friend to play with! Please there has to be an explanation that i can tell her and her mom to convince her that the dog statue isnt a "the devil". Me myself dont understand this. Please give me an explanation,thanks....
I've Wiki'd it all, the dog statue your friend's mother is talking about is a statue of a st. benard, st. benard is a breed of dog, I honestly don't see how a statue of a dog could mean the devil.
It is supposed to be a play on words, as it is a world of dogs. This is probably just a historical figure, and KI was not purposefully trying to insult anybody. Respect what your friend believes and just tell your friend's mother that it is a play on words because of the dog breed, and that KI would never try to offend anybody, but if she is unsure about it, then that if fine.