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Reported For Bounty

Dec 26, 2013
Hey I was watching a tourney that my friend was playing in and I like giving away empowers so you use a randomly pick someone to put bounty on head and say whoever defeats them gets five empowers. Then my friend crashes and doesn't make it into next match and I pick a different match in tourney to watch. When I make a random pick of who to put bounty on it is Aedan the guy who got the bounty last time. So I say it again and after that I get reported for it. I am just confused and didn't think it was bad to do that and am wondering from other players if they have done something like this and got punished. Thanks!!!!

May 27, 2013
I guess the player felt like you were picking on him, in particular. Maybe when you randomize, eliminate characters you have selected before. That way nobody feels like you're just piling on them.

Dec 26, 2013
Yea that's probably a good idea I love giving away empowers but my friend in the tourney tried to make me save them. Thanks for the help I might just decide to try and make it fun for everyone and not make someone feel picked on next time I give away empowers.