Hullo, forgive me for I am new to posting on the forum, if this is misplaced please let me know!
I have completed the "Runedown" quest, and talked to the quest giver. Yet, I have not received my new spell. I am a level 62 Balance. When I went to talk to him he simply gave me a word of congratulations, and I have not acquired the spell at all. I have checked everyone in the game who have been suggested in other threads concerning this manner.
It's not that I have not received the quest itself, it is that I have completed it and am lacking a new spell. Perhaps someone would be so kind as to help me out, I'd appreciate it! Thank you in advance!
The spell Availing Hands is in your deck. The icon looks almost exactly like Helping Hands so it's easy to miss. PS: Your backpack is full, young Wizard.
Yes, I got it NOW because I went back and had to redo the quest. But thank you for replying! I suppose I just had a glitch. And haha I know, I have emptied it!