Hello all. Lately i've been experiencing a rather troublesome problem. When i log onto wizard101 and i get to the character selection screen, as soon as a click on the character i want to play and click start, it takes at least 3 minutes for the game to load and when it has loaded and i begin moving my character around i guess it has an after effect and freezes my screen for about 1 min before returning to normal. This happens every time i exit out the game and log back in. What should i do? Any suggestions are welcome.
If you are experiencing lag (or slow service) within game play or it sometimes freezes up, it is important to first check a couple of things that could cause choppy game play:
1) Make sure any un-needed background applications are not running. Having multiple applications running at once can use up bandwidth, and process usage on your computer.
2) Another thing to check on is your internet connection. Slower speeds will result in choppier game play.
3) Verify that your graphics cards are in line with the system requirements.
4) Turn off your Quest Helper. You can do this by pressing 'T' on your keyboard.
5) Adjust your Game options to help ease the work of your Graphics card: - Modify the resolution smaller. - Change the Graphics Detail setting to low - Turn the Full Screen option to Off. If you are still having issues after checking all of these things, please submit a support ticket from the "Contact Support" tab above.
i'm having similar problems. as of the past half hour, the game has crashed 3 times, is very jumpy and lags a bit, plus lots of pixilation, to the point that large chunks of the display is obscured. this started happening yesterday and has grown worse today. doesn't matter which realm or server. my system is fairly massive, i have a fast connection and i'm running no other programs in the background.