Yikes, that's definitely not right! We'll get this taken a look at right away. Was it just you that experienced it, or your friends and others as well?
Yikes, that's definitely not right! We'll get this taken a look at right away. Was it just you that experienced it, or your friends and others as well?
Yikes, that's definitely not right! We'll get this taken a look at right away. Was it just you that experienced it, or your friends and others as well?
Thanks Arcanum Lore
I can confirm that this is not a lone issue. I have experienced it, and others I know experienced it as well. It's actually been a know issue for years, your bug testers probably have known about it for a whole lot of time.
Yikes, that's definitely not right! We'll get this taken a look at right away. Was it just you that experienced it, or your friends and others as well?
Thanks Arcanum Lore
It is just a graphical bug and nothing to worry about as it does not add the amount it claims same with the Negative stat bug on pets it is merely a display issue.