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Shared Bank Trade Problem

Apr 19, 2010
My level 90 fire wizard stiched footgear of malediction, to a pair of balance boots that said no trade. Now when I went to trade it too my balance wiz, it said no trade item when it did not say no trade on the footgear of malediction. So to sum it up, I stiched the malediction boots to the balance boots so the footgear has the balance look but the footgear stats. But on the malediction boots, it said you CAN trade it. I was real mad. Is there anyway I can have help??? Thanks.

David Darkflame level 90
David Wyrmrider level 5

The "No Trade" flag persists on stitched items, regardless of its origin.

Apr 19, 2010
Is there any way I can get them too my balance wiz without having to use crowns to unstitch them? I really want them on my balance wizard.

David The SwashBuc... on Sep 24, 2013 wrote:
Is there any way I can get them too my balance wiz without having to use crowns to unstitch them? I really want them on my balance wizard.
The item as it exists now is No Trade.
If you unstitch them, you can move the Boots of Malediction to your Balance Wizard.
