Whenever I go to different worlds or streets, the graphics and images take a long time to load.... i've noticed this happens the most in Wysteria.... My internet connection is fine so I know thats not the problem. This started ever since I got membership...Im not sure whether this is just happening to me or whether its happening to other people as well... Can someone please help me? :(
When you got membership, you also got access to a lot of places that you couldn't go to before. As you go to each of these new places, the game needs to download the graphics to your computer for that area and for items, enemies, etc. You'll run into this as you go to each new world. The good part is that the game only needs to download these files once.
When you got membership, you also got access to a lot of places that you couldn't go to before. As you go to each of these new places, the game needs to download the graphics to your computer for that area and for items, enemies, etc. You'll run into this as you go to each new world. The good part is that the game only needs to download these files once.
I sincerely think there IS a problem with the game, as I have been a member of the game for a long time, and just recently re-subscribed. For at least a week or so now, I have been having trouble with having different areas freezing up, or even having trouble using the teleport gate, and the different world I go to may take a very long time to load. I have even noticed that some monsters are either not where they are supposed to be, or they are standing there frozen in place. The game may either take a while to re-sync itself and be fine for a while, then do it all over again, or, it doesnt re-sync at all, and I end up having to restart the game again and again. It has been getting a bit frustrating when the game used to not do this at all. I dont know whether to think that it could be due to the recent addition of Wysteria, or what it is, but I have even tried to un-install and re-install the game, with hopes that it would work then, but every time, it seems to be the same. If anyone has any ideas on what to do (if it can be a simple fix on my end) or whether it is definitely a problem on KingsIsle's end, please reply in this thread, so that those of us who are having similar issues can know what to do. Thanks!
It's summer time, and the servers are jammed. Since downloading can involve gigabytes of information, sometimes the server can't keep up, and the game will freeze.
The solution is to go to the Spiral Door at Bartleby and try entering every world that you can enter. You'll get a "Hold on" message for each that you haven't visited since the latest install, but they'll all start downloading at the pace that the server can handle them. Come back in half an hour (or whenever the spinning gold wheel disappears from the upper left of the game screen), and the basic world data should be on your machine.
yeah its pretty frustrating because whenever I try to cross the streets and come off the sidewalk the game freezes and i get sucked into a battle... :? im not sure whether I should send a ticket to kingsisle asking for help or just let it go... it all depends on whether this is a bug or something that can't be fixed.
This may not be the same issue, but the loading screen is considerably longer time than usual (right after username and password). I have already completed Wysteria (downloaded everything), yet the loading screen still takes twice as long. Has anyone else noticed this? Possibly related to wizards issues above? The little red bars use to go fairly quickly, but now they don't and nothing new is being downloaded.
This may not be the same issue, but the loading screen is considerably longer time than usual (right after username and password). I have already completed Wysteria (downloaded everything), yet the loading screen still takes twice as long. Has anyone else noticed this? Possibly related to wizards issues above? The little red bars use to go fairly quickly, but now they don't and nothing new is being downloaded.
kingurz, I can relate to that as well. I have noticed the same thing, in that the loading bars (prior to entering the game) seem like they are like a brand new loading situation or something, and take a little longer in getting us into the game like they actually should. I do however, understand that updates do occur, and that would be the cause for the bars to do this, (but we havent had an update that I know of, since the bringing in of Wysteria).
I am in Wysteria now, and this world should be pretty-much downloaded, except for any new areas I havent ventured yet. Those new areas usually "load-as-you-go" while in-game, but now, it seems like every time I go into the SAME areas, it re-loads again at periodic times, and by rights shouldnt need to. I had previously downloaded the test realm and thought a lot of the problem would be that, and since I uninstalled it, I HAVE noticed a significant difference in the "live" game. But I am still going through the above-mentioned situations, and figured that maybe there was a glitch or something in the files, so I previously uninstalled, then re-installed the game with little, if any, progress. I know that about a couple or so weeks ago, the game was working great and I had no trouble at all getting anywhere. But now, it is just getting a bit hectic and frustrating that I have to even log out and then back in, just so that I can proceed to enter through a doorway (not a gate, but a mere doorway going through to a different area). This happens pretty much anywhere I go to, not just Wysteria. Also, I am still noticing that periodically The game freezes up, and either one of two main things occur: 1. A sudden halt to game play with the monsters disappearing completely out of the area, leaving the dungeon on fight area bare (completely empty), or 2. A sudden halt to game play with the monsters frozen in place or roaming through walls where they normally arent supposed to be.
Any of the above things can leave you frustrated when you were just finished fighting/dueling monsters (or pvp-ing) and then suddenly things come to a screeching halt and then find yourself a few moments later in an unwanted battle with monsters again. All because you know that you were supposedly travelling safely through a certain area where, you suddenly find that your wizard gets "time-warped" back to an area where you just travelled through and are suddenly fighting monsters again. LOL!
Please forgive my "soap-box" rantings, but this just isnt normal like it used to be (only about a couple weeks ago or so), and just want it back to that again. I can understand it being maybe a busy time-frame with it being summer-time, as well as the bringing in of a new world too. I will just give it some time to see if any new updates may find the programmers noticing these glitches and can fix them to bring things back to normal again. I was looking previously through the forum threads to see if anyone was having similar problems like myself in-game, and came across this thread, so I thought I would provides my "few cents' worth" of info.
Thanks guys and gals for your replys and suggestions as well. I wish you all a very happy game experience on Wizard101, and will try to keep up with this thread and any new ones pertaining to similar troubles I have been facing recently.
GreyOak (currently playing as "Allan FrostBlade", now a Lvl 27 Thaumaturge Wizard, and can be seen either in Wysteria, Krokotopia, or Grizzleheim. )
I completely agree with GreyOak... sometimes I get sucked into battle and I cant even see what im dueling! i also cant see how much health the enemy has, whether my spell was cast and what spell the enemy cast. At times this is kind of frustrating...
I completely agree with GreyOak... sometimes I get sucked into battle and I cant even see what im dueling! i also cant see how much health the enemy has, whether my spell was cast and what spell the enemy cast. At times this is kind of frustrating...
I have a brand new laptop that I am playing the game on, and considered all the possibilities that my laptop may not be suited for this game BEFORE downloading it, but when I saw the computer requirements for the game vs. what my laptop had, my laptop could allow me to play it. And after about a month of playing it non-stop with no trouble at all, and then suddenly noticing the "mobs" travelling through walls and even disappearing or being frozen in place, I knew there was definitely something wrong going on.
I really dont know if this has ANYTHING to do with it, but the time-frame it happened to me was about a week prior to the releasing of Wysteria going "live". So, I am just wondering whether or not that the adding on of the new world Wysteria may or may not have brought on too much into their own servers and loaded things down (causing these "glitches").
I had tried everything...from uninstalling/re-installing the game, to checking my troubleshooting of my computer, and anything in between, to see what may be the culprit, but havent found anything yet on my end. Then seeing a couple of people on here addressing the similar issues that I am having, has made me feel that it may just "possibly" be something not working right on KI's end (but I am NOT trying to point any fingers at all , just trying to find the answer).
Thank you "gushers217" for your info and reply. I at least feel now that I may not be going crazy with this after all (since what you described in your post above is pretty much what is going on with me too).....LOL!