I'm lvl 60 and I have all the united gear but compared to ww gear it seems lame, so I'm trying to do waterworks but every lvl 60 up wizard I ask to help me (I don't have text chat) just does that thing with the dots and it gets me really mad, so I gave up. What I'm asking is has anyone soloed the waterworks without henchmen in under 4 hours? I can't even get past the first four guys so far, but then, I just started it. lvl 60 balance wiz Blake Fireshade (I know-weird name for blnce wiz)
I'm lvl 60 and I have all the united gear but compared to ww gear it seems lame, so I'm trying to do waterworks but every lvl 60 up wizard I ask to help me (I don't have text chat) just does that thing with the dots and it gets me really mad, so I gave up. What I'm asking is has anyone soloed the waterworks without henchmen in under 4 hours? I can't even get past the first four guys so far, but then, I just started it. lvl 60 balance wiz Blake Fireshade (I know-weird name for blnce wiz)
Sad to say menu chat is rough for any area in the game where there are cheating bosses and text chatters do tend to give them the brush. From my few visits there, we had 4 for the first 2 fights and then 2 left and we did finish the dungeon but both of us had to use one walk back in during the last fight, the second time we had someone who was text chat but did wrong things even after telling her not to, causing others 2 have to leave and walk back in, in the end fight she fled and the other that was defeated never made it back, she was also a Fire wizard and refused to take the third spot so I as Life could concentrate more on healing then fighting, more recently I went in with 4, I played life support mainly, no one came close to defeated and we finished in about an hour.
If possible you can become familiar with the fight by visiting wizard101central.com, they have many helpful guides. There are 2 cheating bosses in there you will have to follow the rules for or the entire group can pay for it. As for finishing it solo I do not believe it can be done but am sure someone has. I know I have soloed almost everything in the game and I don't think I would attempt this one.
I have done several cheating boss areas with menu chat wizards and since I could not make them aware of things none where ever completed because they are usually areas I can not solo and I can not tell the menu chat what the cheat is.
On a side note even though I did win the boots the first time I kept my level 58 ones, I like their stats better for my game play style, have since won the hat but really don't mind the stats I have on my level 58 gear, so do I really care about the robe? I passed on the Wintertusk gear because it did not seem to give me the stats I really wanted. In the end my level 70 Life wizard may very well finish up Zafaria and the game with the old level 58 gear.