I'm a balance wizard and I am sort of upset about the changes to spec minion. Since it summons the same minion that the schools minion would summon, the minion is built around the schools needs. The storm minion heals, taunts and shields. storm doesn't need anymore damage, so it gets a more ice like minion.
Fire gets a fizzle minion, fire doesn't need more damage, so instead of it doing damage it makes the enemies fizzle.
Ice does low damage so they need a minion that does good damage so it sits there using morphed ice attacks.
Balance is a lot like ice, low damage per pip. It was useful when the storm minion would storm shark and the fire minion would use fire elf (my favorite) but now, I get almost no use out of the fire and storm minions.
I think the minions from spectral minion should be different from the other school minions and look more like this.
Ice minion: 600 health Spells: Ice Blade, Ice Trap, Ice sting (0 pips, 50 ice damage), Ice shield, Tower shield, Snow serpent, Evil snow man, Mega Taunt, Ice chill (1 pip, 10 + 120 ice damage over three rounds)
Fire minion: 500 health Spells: Fire blade, Fire trap, Burn (O pips, 10 + 90 fire damage over three round) Fire shield, Fire elf, Mega Burn (3 pips 30 + 330 over three rounds), Smoke Mantle, Fire shot ( 1 pip, 90 fire damage)
Storm minion: 400 health Spells: Storm blade, Storm trap, Shock (0 pips, 75-90 storm damage), Storm shield, Storm bats, Storm Shark, Power Charge (0 pips, give one pip to target), Shock Bolt (1 pip, 20 + 150 storm damage over three rounds)
I hope KI can change the spec minion, and better yet make the mlike my examples please tell me if you think my Idea is over powered.
Well I don't know about you, but I like the Helpful Mander minion just fine. And unlike the 'Spectral Minion', he is Balance-oriented, and so will not waste turns giving you useless blades.
But to answer your question I assume Spectral Minions exist to accentuate or compliment the Spectral Blast, that is also Fire, Ice, or Storm.
I think your minions may be overpowered. Would seem kinda redundant to have two kinds of Storm Minions around, one for Balance and one for Storm.
Well I don't know about you, but I like the Helpful Mander minion just fine. And unlike the 'Spectral Minion', he is Balance-oriented, and so will not waste turns giving you useless blades.
But to answer your question I assume Spectral Minions exist to accentuate or compliment the Spectral Blast, that is also Fire, Ice, or Storm.
I think your minions may be overpowered. Would seem kinda redundant to have two kinds of Storm Minions around, one for Balance and one for Storm.
Thanks for the advice.
I agree with you that Helpful Mander is great when questing, though in pvp it doesn't have enough health to survive. I also find myself needed a minion that hurts the opponent rather then helping you.
My idea for the minions may be over powered but they are just little examples.
I just want the minions from spec to be different then the school specific ones since they are built around that schools needs, not balances.
I agree with you that Helpful Mander is great when questing, though in pvp it doesn't have enough health to survive. I also find myself needed a minion that hurts the opponent rather then helping you.
My idea for the minions may be over powered but they are just little examples.
I just want the minions from spec to be different then the school specific ones since they are built around that schools needs, not balances.
I too think that Spectral Minions is not encouraging at all. It's a higher level minion spells, therefore, it should be better than helpful mander but thisi s not the case. I have removed Spectral Minion from my deck. The only advantage it has over my mander is health other than that the mander is more useful than the spectral minion.
I seem to mostly get the storm elemental who would not give my one of those thousands of sprites he cast on himself! I mean, once you getting attacked the minion should heal you and not itself. That storm elemental doesn't care for me at all, he just keeps healing himself and shielding until I'm either dead or have defeated the mobs.
The mander on the other hand will shield me first, then buff me then give me two pips. Very hepful one thing he needs is more health and sprite spell. Then it's all set, game and match!
I don't use the spectral minion much but not happy about what you are describing. I use the mander minion mostly; he is such a helpful little guy. I use the spectral minion when going against balance enemies; they are a total pain since we don't have a balance prism so can't use Judgement, our best attack.
So, unless they give us a balance prism, I would say put the minions back or give us something that attacks. That is what we need! Please!